No Whining!

We were made to work. Before sin entered the world God gave the man and the woman the earth as their stewardship. They were to till it and to keep it. Has a bigger responsibility ever been given? Of course, they blew it and work became difficult and a drudgery. How can we get it back, and how can we …

Having Coffee with God

This morning I had coffee with God. This is the way it happened. I deliberately sought God in my life, looking at Scripture and spending time in intense and intentional prayer. I call this time “Having Coffee with God.” My den is set up perfectly. Martha and I have stuffed chairs with an ottoman. Between the chairs is a round …

Lean On Me

Over the last couple of weeks, I’ve remembered the old rock song “Lean On Me.” You probably remember it as well. It’s almost as popular today as it was when it was recorded by Bill Withers. I checked out the lyrics the other day. These are a couple of the verses: “Lean on me, when you’re not strong. And I’ll …

Praying Over Faithful People

“Everyone deserves to be prayed over as they begin their ministry.” I remember well the context and the two people who gave me those words. It was a word from God Himself. In the New Testament, we see example after example of people being prayed over as they begin a new area or work of ministry. The best example for …

What Jesus Revealed by Turning Water to Wine

By: Waylon Bailey ~ What did Jesus reveal by turning water into wine? We know that whatever Jesus did had meaning and significance for our lives. What does this nature miracle (affecting nature rather than healing a person) say to us? First, it shows us God is vitally interested in everything about us. By attending a wedding feast shows His …

I Need Prayer

Prayer is generally considered the most common of the spiritual disciplines and the most difficult. You would think prayer would be the easiest. After all, we teach our children to pray. Have you heard a very small child pray? They pray naturally to a loving heavenly Father. I need to do the same. I need prayer. “Keep asking, and it …

The Words You Never Want to Hear

Years ago I heard a sermon by a preacher speaking to young preachers. I have never forgotten the wisdom of his words. I’m so thankful he dared speak about such a personal and necessary subject. The message was the four ways that Satan tempts us. He talked about the flesh, how we use time, but the one that struck me …

The Tooth Fairy Economy

Monday at noon I happened to be in my automobile going home for lunch. In my automobile I’m always listening to the radio, never music, always talk. I was listening to a financial network. I’ve really forgotten what the subject was, it obviously wasn’t very important,. But, what was said at the end of that segment caught my attention. The …

The Martyrs of Egypt

I awoke last Monday morning to a horrific sight. You’ve probably seen it as well. Twenty-one barbarians from the group ISIS standing behind twenty-one Egyptian Coptic Christians dressed in orange suits (to resemble the prison garb of terrorists at the prison in Guantanamo, Cuba?). I’m thankful I only saw the picture. The video showed the men being beheaded and their …

Can I Trust the Bible?

By: Waylon Bailey ~ We all want to know whether or not we can trust the Bible. We want to know that it is true, and we want to know that it can help us through life. One of the areas that helps us trust the Bible is that the New Testament writers lived what they wrote. Think about the …