How Can My Life Be Better?

By: Waylon Bailey ~ Recently, a friend told me what the person in the pew wants to know. When he hears a sermon, he wants to know how this sermon will help him reach his preferred future. Yesterday I preached about the “Rich Fool” as found in Luke 12:13-21. In response to a question, Jesus told the parable of a …

The #1 Need of Your Life

  By: Waylon Bailey ~ More than anything else, I want to be in tune with the will of God for my life. As you look at Scripture, you can quickly and easily see the necessity of knowing and following God’s will. When David followed God’s leading, he prospered and the people of God were blessed. When Saul decided to …

The Next Weeks

By: Waylon Bailey ~ The next weeks are going to go by quickly at First Baptist Church as we have many decisions, events, and ministries taking place. Sunday night, November 16 will be a special time as Illusionist David Laflin will lead us. David and several members of our team spent Thursday and Friday in local schools with special programs. …

You Get to Choose

By: Waylon Bailey ~ You get to choose. You really do. Life is filled with many things you didn’t choose and many events you wouldn’t choose, but it’s also filled with choices you get to make. Here are some of the things you can choose. First, you can choose to be a fully devoted follower of Christ. In spite of …

Getting Ready for 2015

By: Waylon Bailey 2015 will be an exciting year for First Baptist Church. We are laying plans now for many of the exciting events for 2015 and beyond. Today you will receive a summary of the 2015 budget for First Baptist Church. This proposed budget will be presented at our next congregational meeting Wednesday, November 19, at 6:15 PM. The …

If You Gave Your Life Wholly to Christ, What Would Happen?

By: Waylon Bailey ~ If you gave your life to Christ, what would happen? Yesterday, I preached from Isaiah 30. This passage of Scripture speaks about living in relationship with God. When you live in relationship with God, this is what you can expect. First, you can expect to receive the direction and guidance of God. This is exactly what …

Three Ways to Make Your Worship Better

By: Waylon Bailey ~ I’ve never believed meeting God just happens. It happens because we seek it and desire it. The Bible tells us to seek God. Here are three ways you can make your worship experience more meaningful for you and especially for your children. First, prepare for worship. For this weekend that means turning your clock back ahead …

Three Things about Meeting God

By: Waylon Bailey ~ Meeting God is a common occurrence throughout the Bible and in human history. God has made Himself known to His people in the past and desires for us to know Him as well. Here are three things you need to remember about meeting God. First, God wants to give you guidance. The real question has to …

Things of Which I am Proud

By: Waylon Bailey ~ Though it seems long and slow, the plans for our new building expansion are moving along quite well. Over the next four months we will be dealing with zoning and permit issues for the new construction and getting the final construction documents. In order to get ready to go before parish government, we conducted a traffic …

Should I Forgive?

By: Waylon Bailey ~ Over the last couple of years our church has emphasized forgiveness. Forgiveness in life, in Scripture, and our entire relationship with God is a really big deal. Learn to forgive and your life becomes much better; fail to forgive and you experience a constant dripping of bitterness and pain. As we have discussed forgiveness, we been …