Living wisely. Learning to live wisely may be one of the most crucial areas of our lives. This is especially true for followers of Christ who want to faithfully represent Him and who want to make Him known to a broken world. For years, one of my most significant Bible verses has been, “Trust in the Lord with all your …
I have often said that Wednesday Night is the best kept secret at First Baptist Church. What makes it so good? Fellowship. Wednesday night allows groups to get together and to know one another. It also is a time when all age groups can meet. We have ministry groups for Preschool, Children, Youth, and Adults. Though we have hundreds of …
My mother had strange rituals concerning New Year’s Day and the new year. She said that whatever you did on New Year’s Day you would do all year long. That was fine with me because we watched college football every January 1! My mother would not vacuum or sweep on New Year’s Day! My mother wasn’t superstitious; it was just …
Deacon Affirmation Each year around March the Deacon Leadership Team starts the process of selecting men for the next year. The selection format is that the deacons propose a slate of up-to 15 men to the church for affirmation. This year there are 14 being presented to the church. The criteria for Deacons are men who love the Lord, support …
Happy New Year! Martha and I are enjoying some time to relax, spend time with family, and get caught up on a number of things we needed to accomplish. Thank you for allowing us this time. I appreciate Josh and Chris and our other pastors who have made it possible for us to take some time off. We have much …
Christmas Eve Services I hope that you have taken the time to read and reflect on the passages of Scripture that I wrote about last week in my Lagniappe to help get you ready for the Biblical perspective of Christmas. There is truth in the movie line from How the Grinch Stole Christmas – “Maybe Christmas he thought doesn’t come …
I hope you were able to have a wonderful Christmas time. We were certainly blessed to have meaningful worship services on Christmas Eve. Thanks to all of you who made it a very special time. We are now ready to look at the new year and continue with our vision for the future. Here are some things you need to …
Are you ready for Christmas?
You’ve probably heard that question already, and you are likely to hear it many times in the coming days. You may find yourself asking others the same question. What does that mean? Maybe it’s just a greeting, something like, “How are you?” Maybe people are asking, “Have you gotten everything ready for this special time?” Whatever is meant by that …
Year End Giving This is the time to consider where you make your year-end charitable gifts. First, let me encourage you to make most of your giving for Christian causes. I know the desire to give to your Alma Mater or to a cherished local group, but also think about the need for Christian people to support the cause of …
I hope that you had a happy Thanksgiving – Martha and I had great family time with our children and grandchildren – so much to be thankful for. I want to let you know of the upcoming events we have scheduled. These will be a time of celebration and family fun. Sunday November 28th at 6:00PM join us in the …