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Lagniappe March 14th

Coronavirus – what you need to know. These are difficult and frightening times worldwide. Our information and our response to the information is changing multiple times during the day. The following points hopefully will help you related to church and to life. First, I want you to know we are following all protocols for cleanliness in our buildings at first …

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Lagniappe March 7th

You have a lot to think about. We all do. From the upcoming presidential and congressional elections, to the economy, to the coronavirus – we all have a lot on our minds. Let me remind you that with all illness, cleanliness is the best solution – both at home and at church. At church we are going to continue to …

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Lagniappe February 29th

We’ve made this year a year for evangelism and reaching people for a deeper life with Christ. We are just finishing our initial push for getting us ready for what we can do in the remainder of the year and the years to come. People who are lost need Christ, and those who know Christ need to live closer to …

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Lagniappe February 22nd

Remember, we are members of the body of Christ. That is an amazing blessing and a heavy responsibility. This is what one pastor said about his expectation of members of the body of Christ. “I have high expectations of my church. Church members should worship together often, give generously, serve sacrificially, and make disciples of all nations. There are no …

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Lagniappe February 15th

You have something that 93% of the people who have ever lived don’t have – TODAY. Author James Clear said that you have what every king, queen, emperor, CEO, and celebrity of the past would give all their fortune to have – TODAY. What are you going to do with this precious time? What are you going to do with …

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Lagniappe February 8th

Martha and I are visiting our daughter Emily and her family this weekend in Virginia. We are here for Martha to speak to the women’s group at First Baptist Church Woodbridge, Virginia where our son-in-law, Brad, serves as pastor. While I am away for the weekend – Chris Kroll, our Minister to Students, will be preaching. (I will be back …

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Lagniappe February 1st

James Clear is a favorite writer of mine. He has written about the power of habits and how you develop them. Recently he wrote about adding value to other people. He said that before you ask for value – you must give value to others. This fits many areas of life. Think about marriages. Most of the time we think …

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Lagniappe January 25th

I have really exciting news.   Connect Group attendance on January 11-12, 2020 was 1,744 – one of the five highest attendances in our history, all of which have occurred in the last six months. Our Worship attendance was 2,704 and the largest we’ve ever had for a day besides Easter, Christmas Eve, and the day we moved into our …

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Lagniappe January 18th

Years ago we began a special needs ministry when we kept hearing special needs families can’t go to church because churches are not equipped to care for the children. At that time we had a large group of special needs professionals who began this wonderful ministry. I still consider that God began and has sustained this ministry. Today (Sunday January …

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Lagniappe January 11th

Today we welcome Adam and Laura Watson and their family to First Baptist Church. Adam is beginning his ministry with us as our Worship Pastor. As Worship Pastor, Adam will work on our music team alongside our Minister of Music David Logan. Adam will have primary leadership for the 6:00 PM Saturday and 11:00 AM Sunday services. Throughout this process, …