It’s the new year, right? We know what everyone wants. The fitness business and everyone else understands what Americans want in the new year. Everyone wants to lose weight. I have a sure-fire way for you to lose weight. This might be the easiest way ever. Here’s the answer: Simply watch what you drink. Most people simply drink themselves to …
I Want to Give You Something
By: Waylon Bailey ~ After writing Lagniappe for my twenty-five years at First Baptist Church and my Life Apps that are emailed to the congregation each Monday over the last few years, I began a blog. At first, I simply wrote a couple of times a week. Before I knew it, I began writing daily. That’s what I am doing …
Starting the New Year Right
By: Waylon Bailey ~ I hope you’ve had a wonderful time of rest, worship, and family during these past two weeks. Martha and I have had a great time with our own family and our church family. I hope you are ready to get off to a good start for 2015. Here are some of the things we will be …
Starting Over
By: Waylon Bailey ~ Beginning in January, I will be preaching a series called “Starting Over.” I often feel the need and necessity of beginning again in life. We all know the hopes and dreams of a new year. We also know how wonderful and significant it us to get to start again. We’ll begin the new year by talking …
What Can I Give to Jesus?
By: Waylon Bailey ~ Christmas is a time of giving. Most of the giving is short-term and without much thought. It is also giving toward those who give to us. In other words, it is a quid pro quo. But there is another kind of giving. It is giving with an expectation of nothing in return. It is not for …
I’m Dreaming . . .
By: Waylon Bailey ~ I’m dreaming of a blessed Christmas. I want my Christmas to be a time truly spent with God, acknowledging His goodness and blessings. I desire the same for you. One of the highlights of Christmas is getting to sing Christmas carols. Our Sanctuary Choir will be leading us this weekend as we worship by hearing and by singing …
What Can I Do To Make My Life Better?
By: Waylon Bailey ~ There’s one thing we all have in common–we all want a better life. While everyone might define a better life differently, we all want our lives to be better. What can we do to make our lives better? First, we can get on the same page with God. God wants you and me to have blessed …
What Can Mary and Joseph Teach Us?
By: Waylon Bailey ~ This is my preaching plan for Christmas. I am excited about teaching this to my church. You can view the worship services of First Baptist Church, Covington, Louisiana, live by going to the church website Our services are Saturday at 6:00 PM and Sunday at 8:30, 9:45, and 11:00 AM. You can hear the sermon …
The Next Weeks
By: Waylon Bailey ~ The next weeks are going to go by quickly at First Baptist Church as we have many decisions, events, and ministries taking place. Sunday night, November 16 will be a special time as Illusionist David Laflin will lead us. David and several members of our team spent Thursday and Friday in local schools with special programs. …
Getting Ready for 2015
By: Waylon Bailey 2015 will be an exciting year for First Baptist Church. We are laying plans now for many of the exciting events for 2015 and beyond. Today you will receive a summary of the 2015 budget for First Baptist Church. This proposed budget will be presented at our next congregational meeting Wednesday, November 19, at 6:15 PM. The …