Lagniappe: Acts and Revelation

Martha and I have truly enjoyed our time away this month – but we are also looking forward to being back with you next week as we resume our regular schedule. Did you know that I have never preached through Acts or taught Revelation? I am excited to do so! Starting in August, I will be preaching from Acts on …

Lagniappe: The IMB and the Burkhalters

Did you know that FBCCov works in cooperation with thousands of churches across the United States sending missionaries around the globe carrying out the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations? We do this through the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. International Mission Board Facts (based on IMB 2023 Annual Report): 3,532 missionaries 67 new people …

Lagniappe: About the Lousiana Baptist Convention

Did you know that FBCCov is part of the Northshore Baptist Association, the Louisiana Baptist Convention as well as the Southern Baptist Convention? Fun Facts about the Bible: There are 66 Books in the Bible There are 1,189 chapters in the Bible. The longest chapter is Psalm 119 with 176 verses. The shortest chapter is Psalm 117 with 2 verses. …

Lagniappe: Our Speakers This Month

Did you know that the church graciously gives Martha and me the month of July off as a time of respite? We use this month to travel, to visit family, to rest, relax, read, and enjoy a slower pace of life. While I will be away for the month of July, I can promise you that you will be well …

Lagniappe: Happy Independence Day

Fun facts about Independence Day! The Declaration of Independence was approved on July 2 and adopted on July 4, 1776. Ratification of the U.S. Constitution was on March 4, 1789. Fun facts about Louisiana! Originally, eight Northshore parishes were not part of the Louisiana purchase but were known as the Independent Republic of West Florida. Thus, St. Tammany Parish is …

Lagniappe: We can’t do ministry without you!

I hope you know that we cannot do ministry without you. In fact, our calling as pastors and ministerial leaders is “to equip the Saints for the work of ministry, and for building up the body of Christ” Ephesians 4:12. Paul continues by emphasizing that the ultimate goal of this ministry is for us all to … attain to the …

Lagniappe: HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all of our men.

I hope you have a wonderful Father’s Day, even if you don’t have a father in your home. In a world struggling with family stability, let me give you a few meaningful suggestions of how to make your family better: First: Treat the members of your family as you would want to be treated and love them as you love …

Lagniappe: Breaker Rock Beach

God’s Rock-Solid truth in a world of shifting sands. Romans 12:2 We’ve had a GREAT Vacation Bible School! As I’ve said many times, good planning bathed in prayer and a desire to please God will be a blessing. This Vacation Bible School had great planning and was covered in prayer – resulting in a great blessing. Here are some things …

Lagniappe: Breaker Rock Beach

God’s Rock-Solid truth in a world of shifting sands. Romans 12:2 This week starts Vacation Bible School at First Baptist Covington. We need you to pray. Here are some ways which are crucial to our making VBS what pleases God. First, pray for the presence of God over all that we do. Evangelist Charles G. Finney famously said: “If the …

Lagniappe: Memorial Day Weekend

In America, this is Memorial Day weekend, and Monday will be the Memorial Day Holiday – a day of giving thanks and remembering those who gave their lives in defense of our freedom. You probably know that Memorial Day began sometime in the aftermath of the American War Between the States. Both in the north and the south, there were …