FBC Covington will be CLOSED Wednesday, Jan 29

Because of bad weather there are NO activities and the office will be closed at FBC Covington tomorrow Wed. 1/29/14. Stay tuned at FBC Facebook or at fbccov.org for info regarding other Thursday activities.

FBC Covington Closed Tues, Jan 28, Due To Weather

Because of bad weather there are NO activities and the office will be closed at FBC Covington tomorrow Tue. 1/28/14. Also, Wed, Jan 29, Martha Bailey’s Women’s Bible Study is cancelled. Stay tuned at FBC Facebook or at fbccov.org for info regarding other Wednesday activities.

Divorce Is Trending

By: Waylon Bailey No one has to tell us divorce is trending in America. We see the hurt and pain all around us. I see divorce from a unique perspective. When divorce occurs families are devastated in almost every way. People split up everything. Under the best arrangements, children live in two homes. Sometimes the custody fights rip children away. …

It’s Been A Good Year

By: Waylon Bailey Martha and I had a blessed 2013. We have so much for which to be grateful, not the least of which is getting to serve with First Baptist Church, Covington, Louisiana. We are blessed to be members of this congregation and to have the joy of serving with you. 2013 was a good year for the church. …

Impurity Is Trending

By: Waylon Bailey Impurity is trending in America and in much of the world. In some ways, it’s as if we have returned to the world of the New Testament. It would be difficult to find a world more immoral than the first century. However, it seems that the 21st century is doing its best to rival the first. In …

Thank God for People Who Serve

By: Waylon Bailey Last week I had the joy of spending time with a young (younger than me) pastor from north Louisiana. We had a delightful time talking church. I’ve done this over the years. Sometimes I am the one asking questions and sometimes I am the one answering questions. This time I answered the questions. The questions were simple …

Frustration Is Trending

By: Waylon Bailey Frustration, anger, and disrespect are trending in America. Road rage, obscene gestures, and name-calling are all in vogue. Names and actions that harm people seem to be not only accepted but also expected. What can the church do to help our hurting society? First, we can show them a more excellent way. In the Bible, the more …

Where’s Your Safety Net?

Rick Warren recently wrote about a person’s safety net, but he wasn’t talking about social programs or even money in the bank. For him, a safety net means people you can count on when life is tough and times are hard. He spoke of having people to sit with you when a relative has surgery or help you pick out …

Praying For Life Change

By: Waylon Bailey I don’t really make New Year resolutions, but I certainly take time during the year to reassess where I am and where God wants me to be. The beginning of a new year is a great time to look at how God wants to grow you in the days ahead. One of the things I have resolved …

Trending–A New Sermon Series

This may be one of the most difficult sermon series I have attempted to preach. Not difficult because the text is obscure or difficult to interpret. And not difficult because the message is complex. Actually, the text is simple and easy to understand. Children easily understand the message from this passage of Scripture. All of us will get the immediate …