CHILDREN, THE FORGOTTEN VICTIMS OF DISASTERS NEED YOU. FBC is working to establish the Louisiana Baptist Convention’s first Disaster Relief Child Respite Care Unit. The trailer for the unit has been provided by the LBC and the Georgia Barnette State Missions Offering. You can help too! Visit our table in the foyer begining November 24 to see how you can …
Three Things I Care About
As a pastor of a church, people often want to know what I enjoy doing or what matters to me. They often mean, “what are your hobbies and what do you like to do just for fun?” It’s important, of course, for those who attend FBC Covington and worship with me to know those kinds of things. Actually, I really …
Giving Thanks Program
Giving Thanks Shopping List Through our partnership with the Samaritan Center, Thanksgiving meals will be provided to area families in need through the “Giving Thanks Program.” Each meal consists of a set list of non-perishable food items and $50 worth of perishable foods distributed by Winn Dixie. You can be a part of this in several ways. ABF classes can …
Thank You For Caring
I want to thank all of you who came to our Rise Up! Reveal Gatherings. Your willingness to give the time and the effort to attend encouraged all of those on the pastoral team as well as the Strategy Planning Team and the leadership for the capital campaign. Thank you for caring about the future ministry of First Baptist Church. …
Important–And Exciting–Days Ahead
This has been an exciting time in the life of FBC. First, we have had our best year ever in four categories–total attendance, Bible Study attendance, giving, and baptisms. In my estimation, our church health is at an all time high as well. We certainly have much for which to be thankful. Second, we are moving forward with our new building. We …
RISE UP! Is Moving Quickly
Events are moving fast–at least for me anyway. These are the events and decisions you need to know about our RISE UP! Capital Campaign. First, our Reveal Gatherings have been great to this point. Our first three meetings were for those in the leadership of the church–deacons, Bible Fellowship leaders, ministry team members, and other leaders. While some of those folks …
A RISE UP! Kind Of Day
We have a big day planned for October 26-27 (next weekend), and we hope you will be part of it. As part of our RISE UP! Campaign we have scheduled a High Attendance Day for our Bible Fellowship Groups and our worship Services. We hope you will make every effort to attend. We are trending upward and we want you …
Decisions Which Will Affect The Future
Each year First Baptist Church elects twelve deacons to serve a two year term. The deacons are called by the church to help in pastoral ministry and to model consistent Christian living before the congregation. Pastors (also known as elders and bishops) and deacons are the two scriptural offices in the church. Therefore, those who serve as pastors and deacons …
Tropical Storm Karen Update
The Tropical Storm Watches throughout Southeastern Louisiana have been discontinued! Praise God that the storm has weakened. Despite what will assuredly be a wet weekend, Saturday evening and Sunday morning services will take place as scheduled. We are looking forward to worshipping with you this weekend!
Forgiveness Is A Life Long Commitment
Thank you for your intense interest in the sermon series “Forgiving and Letting Go.” In one sense the series has been difficult for all of us–difficult for me to preach and difficult to have to confront our need to forgive. We normally refuse to really consider the difficult events of life. We stuff our problems deep inside and never really think about …