We often ask, “where can I go to hear a good sermon and have a good worship experience?” My answer, “most any orthodox Christian church will work if you are ready for Sunday.” Having a good, worshipful experience has more to do with God and me than with who’s preaching or leading. What can we do to get ready for …
Our Dreams For Our Student Ministry
Recently, we examined the make-up of our church. The Saturday/Sunday Bible study attendance is made up of 48% under age 18 and 52% 18 and up. Those numbers picture a very healthy church. If the numbers were skewed in either direction, the church would be unhealthy. Today I want to write about our Student Ministry (7th-12th grades). We all know …
It’s Time To Pray For America
“It’s the most important election in our lifetime.” I’ve heard the four men running for president and vice-president make this statement. I’ve also heard many, many voters make the same statement. What makes this election so important? Several things stand out to me. On domestic policy, religious freedom seems to be at a crossroads. If America crosses this line, we …
2 Important Announcements
Lagniappe (lan-yap) is the column I write weekly for the worship services of First Baptist Church, Covington, Louisiana. The word means “a little something extra.” I often use the space as an inspirational message, but I also use it for information for the congregation. I subscribe to the theory that churches do well with information and poorly without it. Therefore, …
40/40 Prayer Band Alert
ATTENTION ALL PRAYER BANDS! As a church family we have the opportunity to join many across the USA in a season of prayer for ourselves, our family, our communities and our nation! Our Senior Pastor recently shared info on his blog at waylonbailey.com. The prayer guide can be used by an individual, a family unit, or a small group. Here’s how: …
Ice & Water NOW Available at FBC Covington
Volunteers are NOW distributing Ice and Water at First Baptist Church Covington, LA. Please use Hwy 1085 entrance.
FBC COVINGTON ISAAC & WEEKEND UPDATE WE WILL HAVE 3 WORSHIP SERVICES SUNDAY 8:30, 9:45, AND 11:00 AM Due to the weather: ALL activities scheduled tonight, Thursday, Friday and Saturday have been cancelled. These include Saturday Bibles Studies and Service. All Sunday Bible Fellowships, Impact University, and Kids activities are cancelled as well. Outdoor Baptism will be rescheduled Stay up to …
What We Want For You
Welcome to First Baptist Church! We are thankful you have joined us today, and we hope you return and make this a regular place of worship. Here’s what we want you to experience from our church. First, we want you to meet and spend time with the God who made you and has eternal desires for your life. God created …
Why Good Things Happen At Church
Years ago, I preached a sermon on why good things happen at church. The sermon fit what God was doing at First Baptist Church during that time. We had just begun to grow and had started a second worship service. The sermon came from the Book of Acts and we looked at the qualities of the first century church. The …
A Look Back At A Great Week Of World Changers
Over 300 students and adults descended on St. Tammany Parish from all over the country. They came to change the world! They did it by serving those less fortunate and being the hands and feet of Christ to our community. Watch the highlight video! http://vimeo.com/45807616