
I hope that you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you will have a blessed Christmas season as well. We have a full and significant month of December planned as we worship and praise our great God. During this month, I will be preaching about the blessings of Christmas. The sermons will be about “The Wonderful Words of Christmas.” …


Things for which I am Grateful: All this week I have been meditating on those things for which I am especially grateful. While there is nothing monumental about any of this, all of these are very important to me. I give thanks for: My wonderful family, all of which have been together this week. The people I work with. I …


We had our last Congregational Meeting for 2022 Wednesday night. It was well attended and characterized by our normal positive and encouraging attitudes. Here are some highlights: First, we reviewed the proposed 2023 budget. The proposed budget is an increase of 3.46% – or $257,450. Though the increase is a substantial amount, the budget continues to be based on our …


Wednesday, November 16, is an important time for FBC. We will use the Congregational Meeting on that evening to discuss our upcoming 2023 budget year and to affirm new deacon leadership for our church. We will also elect new members of the teams that help provide congregational leadership. These are our Trustees and members of the Personnel, Property, Nominating, Baptism, …


In a day when we have more than we’ve ever had, we are more anxious than we’ve ever been. Think about that statement.  Americans are under siege from anxiety, worry, and depression. Some of these are very real physical disorders and need professional care. All of these need the blessings and help of God in their lives. How can we …


The Bible is clear about our responsibilities. We are to rejoice with those who rejoice – Romans 12:15, and we are to honor those who deserve honor – Romans 13:17.  This weekend we have the wonderful privilege of giving respect, honor, and appreciation to a family to which honor and appreciation are due. Glynn Robinson has served as one of …


EVENTS YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS Welcome to worship! I want to thank you for being present today and for how you make a difference as the family of God. As we serve and worship, here are three dates of importance for our church. First, please join us NEXT Sunday – October 30th – at 12:15PM under the Pavilion as …


It’s fitting that October is “Pastor Appreciation Month.” I appreciate how you have expressed your gratitude to me, but more importantly, to the other members of our church staff. They are dedicated people, and I appreciate your support for each of them. This week I have participated as chairman of the Board of Trustees at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. …


I think you know that I get to work with a very special group of people, both in our office staff and our pastoral team. I am so very thankful to have this opportunity to work with such a dedicated group if people – who love our Lord and love you, the church. Our Personnel Team provides recognition to our …


Our current sermon series is about the challenges that we face in life. Today, I am preaching from the letter of Simon Peter to dispersed churches and Christians living in a time of persecution. When the letter was written Simon Peter was in prison at Rome awaiting execution. It’s understandable that he wrote much about suffering. Afterall, he was experiencing …