Happy Mother’s Day! I want to welcome all of you to worship today. It is a special day when we get to honor our mothers and special women in our life, and when we welcome families to join with us. If you are a guest today we want to thank you for coming and encourage you to come back in …
WHY? Today ends our ANCHORED series and begins a new eight week sermon series entitled WHY? Many of you know that I like to answer the “Why” questions. Strangely, I don’t ask many “Why” questions of others, but I love answering why I believe, feel, and practice as I do. I also love talking about how we live in relationship …
Why I Am Encouraged I am greatly encouraged, and I want you to know why. Here are some things I am encouraged about as should you, but they are not the reason for my writing this today. I am encouraged by – – Our attendance. Since the first of March both our worship and Connect Groups attendance has exceeded the …
Welcome to Easter worship! I want to welcome you to First Baptist Church! As I often say, “Thank you for attending. We are glad you are here.” We recognize what a special day this is. While many of our regular attenders are visiting family out of town, many of you are guests worshiping with us on this special day. We …
Welcome to Palm Sunday services at First Baptist Church! We are thankful to have you worshiping with us today. This weekend is special also because it’s our Commitment Day for our ANCHORED Capital Campaign. We are having this campaign to set up the church for the future as we carry out several projects. By working together and doing our part, …
We are coming to the most significant time of our church year. As we celebrate the resurrection of Christ, we also remember the significance of this event. Paul clearly stated the case: “If Christ has not been raised, we are of all people most to be pitied.” Our hope and our faith is in the finished work of Christ on …
A New Two Year Record! Over the last few weeks, I have reported to you how our worship and Bible Study (Connect Groups) have been trending up. Two weeks ago we hit a two year high for worship attendance. That was very encouraging. This past weekend we did that again. In fact, we not only hit a two year high, …
Everything at First Baptist Church seems to be getting back to normal, and normal feels so good. Here are some “normal” things that are happening: This weekend is Disciple Now Weekend, an intense time of growth, fun, worship, and fellowship for our Student Ministry. Dr. Jamie Dew, President of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Leavell College, is the special …
We have had two long and difficult years. Two years ago this weekend was the last “normal” weekend of worship we have had. The two years since have been filled with worry, anguish, and grief for almost every family. Many families have experienced difficulty and pain – some because of Covid, and others for various life-changing reasons. We should not …
Today we begin a new sermon series entitled: “ANCHORED” as we look forward to getting ourselves ready for Easter and for our new capital campaign. The series is a “Tell me the story of Jesus” series and will look at the life, ministry, and teaching of Jesus as found in the gospels. I hope that you will join with me …