~by Waylon Bailey With 7.6 billion people in the world and problems beyond measure, what can one solitary person do? It seems there is nothing we can do to make any difference. Fortunately, the Word of God is filled with examples of people who made a difference for God. They lived for the glory of God and for the good …
Lagniappe January 4th
I recently read that almost 60% of us make New Year resolutions. I also read that most of those resolutions do not make it to the end of January. I want to ask you to make and keep ONE very important resolution. “Who’s Your One?” will be our church emphasis for 2020. Would you prayerfully consider making this your number …
Lagniappe December 28th
We are thankful to have you worship with us on this last Sunday of 2019. Would you join with me in making this a special day even as we consider what God would have us do in the new year? The needs of the world never change. We need God in our lives, and we need the hope that is …
Lagniappe December 21st
I agree with the songwriter that “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” Most of us would agree with that statement to some degree. After all, families get together, people wish each other a “Merry Christmas” and we give presents to people we wouldn’t normally seek to bless. But I think of it as a wonderful time because of …
Lagniappe December 14th
We all want to know what’s happening. Here are some of the things you need to know about what’s going on around FBC. First, Pastor Jay Johnston. Today is our day to thank and encourage Jay Johnston as Jay and Jerilyn move to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to begin a new place of ministry. Jay and Jerilyn will be in the …
Lagniappe December 7th
Last week my email inbox “blew up” with emails. The emails weren’t specifically from church members or ministry needs. They were because of Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Giving Tuesday. These were advertisements and promotions. I’m still trying to get through them all. By now, we all know about Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Those days are promotional days …
Lagniappe November 30th
This weekend begins the time of our Christmas celebration. Sunday December 1 at 6:00 PM: Please join us as we light the Christmas tree in the Plaza. This will be a joyful and fun-filled time as our combined choirs lead us in singing some of our favorite Christmas carols. After the music and lighting of the tree, we will enter …
Praying Specifically
~by Waylon Bailey I often find that my prayers, while sincere and fervent, are too general in nature. It’s easy to pray for all the missionaries when we could be praying for real people in real situations. Paul’s prayers were specific and targeted. He wanted the churches to follow Christ devotedly and completely. He prayed for their spiritual growth and …
Lagniappe November 23rd
This past Wednesday evening, November 20, 2019 the church met for our fourth and final congregational meeting for the year. This was an important meeting for the church. Here are the major items we discussed and executed: First, the church extended an unanimous call to Adam Watson to serve as Worship Pastor. Adam has accepted our call and will begin …
A Different Kind of Checklist
~by Waylon Bailey Yesterday, I preached from Ephesians 1:3-4 about a “Checklist for Getting Close to God.” This passage is a great checklist for living close. “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, Just as He chose us in Him before the …