Today marks the last week with us for the Cowart family. We will miss Benji, Jenna, Braden, Kyndall, Zac, and Maisy. As you know they will be returning to the Nashville area. It has been a good two years, and I want to say to everyone what a wonderful time we have had. Benji and Jenna will always have a …
The Legacy of Apollo 11
~by Waylon Bailey Apollo 11’s flight to the moon was 50 years ago. It’s hard to believe it has been that long. It’s not just the passage of time that is amazing. It is also the fact that landing on the moon and returning safely could have been done in such a relatively primitive time in computing. We are always …
On Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Other Hard Things in Life
~by Waylon Bailey Over the weekend, folks in Louisiana dealt with Hurricane Barry while folks in California are still jittery over the two recent earthquakes. Both of these strike fear and concern. The folks in Louisiana say, “At least you know when a hurricane is coming.” The folks in California are very aware their state has a major earthquake every …
Lagniappe July 14th
Each Thursday I write the Lagniappe column for publication on the weekend. On this Thursday, it’s almost impossible not to think about the approaching Tropical Storm Barry, maybe soon to be Hurricane Barry, with a land fall somewhere near us. It’s my prayer today that you are making adequate preparations by stocking up water and food and filling your automobile …
Living Our Best in the Worst of Times
~by Waylon Bailey We have just celebrated the 243rd anniversary of American Independence. In many ways, it seems the worst of times. When you look at the world and when you look at America, you often feel that things are just not right. You may have seen the reports out of France last week where the highest court in France …
How Do We Relate to Outsiders
~ by Waylon Bailey “Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of every opportunity. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned, as it were, with salt, so that you may know how you should respond to each person” (Colossians 4:5-6). One of the serious issues believers should deal with is how to conduct ourselves with outsiders. Paul …
June 30th Lagniappe
Thanks to all of you for graciously allowing us to take some time off in July. We are looking forward to spending time with both of our children and their families, as well as my mother in Alabama. While our plans are not complete, we hope to get to make a getaway trip as well. While we are gone, we …
The What and the Why of Work
~by Waylon Bailey I grew up in the church and I was raised by Christian parents, but neither of those prepared me for God’s teaching about vocation and work. Vacation Bible school, Sunday school, and various Bible studies never fully equipped me to understand God‘s plan. When you look at biblical teaching about work you find the what and the …
Leading the Church
I want to invite you to our second of four congregational meetings for the year 2019. We will meet in Central Hall at 6:45 PM Wednesday to handle routine business and to discuss our ministry as the church. The meeting will last about an hour. I want to use this as a way of communicating my vision to First Baptist …
What God Says About Children
~by Waylon Bailey We rightfully put a huge emphasis on children, how they are raised, and what is best for them. God’s Word gives us invaluable insight about children and how they should be raised. Here are a few of the many emphases the Bible has about raising children. First, children are a gift of God and should be raised …