Everyone who has been a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ for any length of time is well acquainted with the trial and crucifixion of our Lord. Jesus gave Himself freely and voluntarily to atone for our sins. While we know this wonderful fact, there are other areas that are striking in their truthfulness and ironic in the way it …
Betrayed by Friends & Leaders
by Waylon Bailey Mark 14 is the story of betrayal. Jesus Christ, the one sent from God, was rejected and betrayed by those who knew Him best and by those given the responsibility of leading the people of Israel. Notice the betrayal. First, he was betrayed by one of his own. Enemies can hurt, persecute, manipulate, and reject, but only friends …
What Matters About Prayer
by Waylon Bailey When we pray, we please God. God’s Word tells us to pray in all times and in all things. Paul said that prayer is the antidote for anxiety. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all …
Ask the Right Question
By: Waylon Bailey Sunday I had the blessing of preaching from God‘s Word. It’s always a blessing and a privilege, but it’s also very difficult. That difficulty comes because it matters so much and because it is so important. I preached from Mark 11:27 through 12:34. While I didn’t preach about all of the passage, I emphasized four questions that …
Jesus and Prayer
By: Waylon Bailey Jesus was a man of prayer, and He left His church to be a people of prayer. One of the many things that stand out about Jesus was His devotion in prayer. Mark noted how Jesus prayed. At the beginning (Mark 1:35), middle (Mark 6:46), and end of the Gospel (Mark 14:32), Mark showed that Jesus prayed. …
How Should We Treat Others?
By: Waylon Bailey ~ If we ask our brothers and sisters in Christ how we should treat other people, I believe you would get three really good answers. First, we should love others as you love yourself. This is, of course, exactly what God says in Scripture (Leviticus 19:18) and what Jesus told us to do. This law of love …
If You Want to be a Leader
By: Waylon Bailey ~ Many people run from leadership while other people run toward it. Some people have a healthy view of leadership while many others (whether they aspire to leadership or not) have a very unhealthy view. Here are some teachings from God’s Word about leadership. First, leadership will encounter opposition. Any person who thinks that leadership is a …
What Nehemiah Teaches Us about Leadership and Teamwork
By: Waylon Bailey ~ The Book of Nehemiah is an ancient book with a contemporary message. It teaches us about leadership, teamwork, and relationships with others.Here are some of the lessons God teaches us through the Book of Nehemiah. First, Nehemiah shows us the absolute necessity of leadership. Before Nehemiah journeyed to Jerusalem, the walls of the city had been …
What Prayer Does
By: Waylon Bailey ~ Prayer is at the heart of our relationship with God. It is indispensable in living a life of devotion to God and a necessity for understanding God’s will. What specifically does prayer do for us? First, prayer causes us to acknowledge who God is. When Nehemiah prayed, he called on the Lord (the personal name for God …
Learning to Wait on God
By: Waylon Bailey ~ We don’t like to wait. We have learned to think that everything should be waiting for us when we show up. That kind of mentality affects our relationship with God as well. Instead of thinking that we exist to serve God, we begin to think that God exists for the purpose of giving us what we …