In America, this is Memorial Day weekend, and Monday will be the Memorial Day Holiday – a day of giving thanks and remembering those who gave their lives in defense of our freedom. You probably know that Memorial Day began sometime in the aftermath of the American War Between the States. Both in the north and the south, there were …
Lagniappe: What do we really need?
I know you love the church and want it to progress. And I know you want to be faithful as a servant in the Kingdom of God. Do you ever ask what that looks like and how you fit in? Let me give you an idea from my perspective. Jesus told His disciples to “pray therefore the Lord of the …
Lagniappe: Happy Mother’s Day
My mother’s parents were Godly people. They sought to live out their faith in practical ways and were an example of holy living to their children. Now, their faith is being carried on in their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. My grandmother passed away a number of years ago, but her memory lives in the hearts and through the lives of those …
Lagniappe: Why You Should Read the Old Testament
Last week I received a request that I’ve had many times before. It went like this: “Tell me why I should read the Old Testament.” This wasn’t a challenging request; it was an honest question about the value of the Old Testament. Therefore, I want to use this opportunity to tell you the five things that quickly came to my …
Lagniappe: Getting Ready for a Busy May
The month of May is always busy – it’s busy for us personally and busy as a church. So, let me tell you about the things going on in the month of May. May 5 – Senior Sunday Graduate Recognition where we will recognize our high school seniors. This will be followed by a banquet in the Fellowship Hall for …
Lagniappe: Three Miracles
On Wednesday nights, I am currently teaching through the Gospel of Matthew. It’s always a joy and a blessing to teach Holy Scripture. This past Wednesday night I taught from Matthew 8:1–17, a passage of Scripture containing three miracles of Jesus which are not chronological but are grouped together because of the common truth that they teach. Obviously, each miracle …
Lagniappe: Making the Next Step the Right Step
We are thankful for how you have embraced Taking the Next Step. We have seen wonderful signs of Christian growth and deeper commitments. Beginning today and going through June, I will be preaching about the Next Steps which are common to all of us. These are big steps that help us become more devoted followers of Christ and propel us …
Lagniappe: What God Has Called Us to Do
Thank you for helping make Easter weekend such an important time at First Baptist Church. We asked you to invite people, and to volunteer for hospitality, and you came through for us in wonderful ways. This was, by far, the most people we’ve ever had at Easter – or for any other services. We had 4500 people in the worship …
2nd Edition | March 2024
Medellin, Colombia If there is a “secret sauce” to mission endeavors, that sauce would be called PARTNERSHIP. In Philippians Chapter 1, the Apostle Paul, referred to his relationship to the Philippian church as a “partnership in the gospel.” When I think of that reference, our partnership with El Redil de Belen church in Medellin, Colombia comes to mind. We have …
Lagniappe: Easter
Welcome to First Baptist Church and to our Easter weekend services! We are thankful you have come to join us as we worship and celebrate what God has done for us in Christ. The Apostle Paul gave us God’s purpose in sending His Son to our broken world: “God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting people’s …