I am a pastor of a local church. I spend a lot of time with people. I rejoice with those who rejoice, and I mourn with those who mourn. Sometimes the mourning seems to far outweigh the rejoicing. Right now I am trying to help individuals and families who are suffering from the bad decisions of others. While some of …
There’s Nothing Like Discipline
By: Waylon Bailey ~ There’s nothing like discipline. Some studies show the number one predictor of how a child will do as an adult is discipline. Can the child delay gratification? Can he/she look down the road and see a more preferred future? If the child can do those things, many social scientists believe the child has a high probability …
Why I Want You to Attend the Discovery Class
By: Waylon Bailey ~ First Baptist Church has a class for new members and those who are interested in membership. We meet six times a year, and we put a lot of eggs in this basket! Because its so important to us, I want everyone to attend. Since 2000 we’ve had over a thousand people attend. We’ve gotten positive feedback …
O God, Our Help in Ages Past
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Through the centuries, the Psalms have blessed and strengthened followers of Christ. As we go through the storms of life, our God is a very present help in trouble. In 1719, Isaac Watts paraphrased the Psalter for believers. From this paraphrase of Psalm 90 came the …
What You Can Learn from Ants
Several years ago before I had grandchildren of my own, I spent time playing in my front yard with a four year old boy. His mother was inside with my wife planning and praying about an important church event. For the first time in a long time, I saw the world through the eyes of a four year old boy. …
A Sure Way to Lose Weight
It’s the new year, right? We know what everyone wants. The fitness business and everyone else understands what Americans want in the new year. Everyone wants to lose weight. I have a sure-fire way for you to lose weight. This might be the easiest way ever. Here’s the answer: Simply watch what you drink. Most people simply drink themselves to …
Checking in from the Honeymoon
By: Waylon Bailey ~ No organization in history is like the church. The church exists as the result of the cross and resurrection of Christ. God created the church and it belongs to Him. The Bible is rich with pictures or metaphors for the church. It is called God’s field and God’s building (1 Corinthians 3:9). It is the family …
I Want to Give You Something
By: Waylon Bailey ~ After writing Lagniappe for my twenty-five years at First Baptist Church and my Life Apps that are emailed to the congregation each Monday over the last few years, I began a blog. At first, I simply wrote a couple of times a week. Before I knew it, I began writing daily. That’s what I am doing …
Got Anxiety? I’ve Got Help
Worry and anxiety seem to be fairly common. Sometimes I find myself awake in the middle of the night worrying about something that may or may not have any serious significance. Here’s the good news. God has plenty to say about worry and anxiety. Both Jesus and Paul addressed it head on. What can we do about our worry and …
You Can Go Home Again
By: Waylon Bailey ~ Thomas Wolfe famously stated “You Can’t Go Home Again,” but it’s really not true. The message of Scripture shows you can go home again, and you can start over. No matter what is going on in your life there is always room for repentance and beginning again. God is the friend of the repentant and the …