Society is dealing with the burden of kids who have checked out of life and who, at such an early age, have little hope. They are being bombarded by lifestyles that run counter-cultural to what God designed us to be. We talk about what the church can do and how Christians can make a difference in a fallen society. We …
AS WE CELEBRATE MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND – let us be ever thankful for and remember the sacrifice of those who fought and gave their life in service for our country. CONGREGATIONAL BUSINESS MEETING UPDATE: This past Wednesday night we met for a regular congregational meeting to hear reports and to deal with four recommendations: We voted to offer our Bush, …
A Report on the State of the Church This weekend I have the opportunity to report to you about the state of First Baptist Church Covington, Louisiana. I have done this through the years and find it to be a very meaningful and satisfying time. This is exactly what you find in the early church, particularly in the Acts of …
Happy Mother’s Day! I want to welcome all of you to worship today. It is a special day when we get to honor our mothers and the special women in our lives – as well as welcome families joining with us. If you are a guest today, we want to thank you for coming and encourage you to come back …
High School Senior Celebration: Today is a really important day for many of our church families as they celebrate their young adult’s high school graduation. We will celebrate with them in each worship service and then honor them in a special way at a luncheon for them and their family. I would encourage you to take the handout listing the …
Today – Sunday, April 30th– we express our appreciation and love to Betty Bryan who has completed forty-five years with our Mother’s Day Out Program. Betty became director of MDO in the second year of the ministry and has faithfully led the organization through the years. In those forty-five years we estimate Betty has ministered to over 3,800 children through …
Is there any greater need in America than the need to have a real awakening that leads us to the presence and power of God? Over the next two months, we are going to look at the need and the possibility of an awakening in America. Historians often point to the First Great Awakening and the Second Great Awakening in …
Christians love the preaching of the cross and the opportunity of rejoicing at the resurrection. Both of those beliefs were on display Easter Sunday and during the weeks leading up to it as we preached on “Christ’s Sacrifice” and the hope we have in Him. Not only did we have record number of people join us in worship services on …
An Easter Greeting Thank you for being present and joining us in worship of our Resurrected Lord. As you know, this day typifies what it means to be a Christian. We are defined by the Resurrection of Christ. Without His life, death, and resurrection, we would still be in our sin, and we would be people without hope. Thanks to …
Sometimes I feel like a foreigner and a stranger in this world. Simon Peter addressed early believers in exactly those words. In a world of darkness, evil, and rebellion, Simon Peter wanted those believers to live lives of purity and devotion unto God. In fact, he said it this way; Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to …