By Dr. Waylon Bailey. As I have said before, I am concerned about the church and about the churches. The apostle Paul wrote about a similar concern. In addition to his many physical difficulties and persecution, Paul spoke about his concern for the churches: 2 Corinthians 11:28 “And, apart from other things, there is the daily pressure upon me of …
By Dr. Waylon Bailey This week begins our new sermon series on RENEW. This is not simply a new series; it is who and what we must be and do. I think everyone can now see that things have changed – not just for the short term but also for the long term. Therefore, how we do church must change …
Why You (and I) Need the Church
By Waylon Bailey Last week we received disturbing news. A survey published by Christianity Today and other outlets found that Americans‘ reading and study of Scripture has declined over the last year. While they could not look at this specifically during the pandemic, it seems that this is a direct result of what has happened to us since March 13. …
It’s Time To Renew!
Waylon Bailey With the fear of the coronavirus and almost 5 months of lockdown and isolation, it just feels that it’s time for renewal in our lives. I sense that particularly in our relationship with God. We all know that it’s been easy to give ourselves excuses for why we aren’t sharing our faith, growing in Christ likeness, and ministering …
By Waylon Bailey During the week I heard someone use the word “remarkable“ about the times in which we are living. That word didn’t seem strong enough. These are Dickens’ “the best of times the worst of times”. As a church, and as a people, we must plow through the difficulties we face to make it beyond to a …
Next GEN Ministry
We have just finished Vacation Bible School 2020. Boy, was it different, but different in a good sense. One little girl who couldn’t come the first day told her mother, “All I want to do is see my friends and hear about Jesus.” I’m so thankful she got to do that in day two and three. I am thankful for …
A Critical Month
By Dr. Waylon Bailey. The month of July will be a critical month in our country and in FBC Covington. At the time that we need to be moving forward with re-opening the country, cases of the coronavirus have reached the highest daily total to date according to John Hopkins University. At the same time, we are experiencing unrest in …
Patience and Perseverance
By Dr. Waylon Bailey. We all know the need for patience. When I think of the fruit of the Spirit, I am drawn to the quality of patience. I am drawn there because I often feel so inadequate with patience. You may feel the same – frustration and aggravation sometimes seem to take over. But it may not be patience …
Why YOU must be the church…
Why is this the case, and what does it mean? First, the world has already made this association. In their minds, you are the church. If we live before them either righteously or unrighteously, they will assume the church is as we are. The world will judge the church by you and me. This, of course, puts great pressure on …
Coming Events
What a joy it is to have our congregation meeting together in ever growing numbers. We certainly have a long way to go, but I believe the church is up to the task and that we will see God working in wonderful and powerful ways. Here are events you need to know about in the coming weeks: Next weekend – …