Martha and I are happy to be home and thankful to be with you as we collectively seek to please God with all our ways. My sermon today comes from Psalm 37, an acrostic Hebrew poem that describes confident dependence on God. This psalm contains many well-known verses, but to me the greatest is verse four that tells us, “Delight …
Lagniappe July 28th
Today marks the last week with us for the Cowart family. We will miss Benji, Jenna, Braden, Kyndall, Zac, and Maisy. As you know they will be returning to the Nashville area. It has been a good two years, and I want to say to everyone what a wonderful time we have had. Benji and Jenna will always have a …
Lagniappe July 14th
Each Thursday I write the Lagniappe column for publication on the weekend. On this Thursday, it’s almost impossible not to think about the approaching Tropical Storm Barry, maybe soon to be Hurricane Barry, with a land fall somewhere near us. It’s my prayer today that you are making adequate preparations by stocking up water and food and filling your automobile …
June 30th Lagniappe
Thanks to all of you for graciously allowing us to take some time off in July. We are looking forward to spending time with both of our children and their families, as well as my mother in Alabama. While our plans are not complete, we hope to get to make a getaway trip as well. While we are gone, we …
Leading the Church
I want to invite you to our second of four congregational meetings for the year 2019. We will meet in Central Hall at 6:45 PM Wednesday to handle routine business and to discuss our ministry as the church. The meeting will last about an hour. I want to use this as a way of communicating my vision to First Baptist …
The God of Amazing
There’s a wonderful new worship song entitled ‘The God of Amazing” by Benji Cowart and Michael Farren. The lyrics go like this: You’re the God of Amazing. You’re the God of what cannot be explained. You’re the God who delights to be more than we’ve ever hoped for. There’s no end to the power of Your name. You’re the God …
Six Areas Where Your Pastor Is Struggling
Let’s not be naïve. Every pastor struggles. Most of us have been around pastors and churches long enough to know the truth of these statements. Christian maturity also helps us to understand that every pastor and leader struggles. Today, I want to equip you to help your pastor by recognizing some of the most prominent areas where pastors struggle. At …
What is Yom Kippur?
Today is the Jewish observance of Yom Kippur, the Old Testament Day of Atonement. I’ve never really thought much about Yom Kippur. I’ve studied it, of course, and noted it on the calendar, but it’s never been vital in my life. After all, Jesus is the once and for all sacrifice for sin. He is the only way of forgiveness …
Why I Love That Verse
Do you ever hear people saying, “I love that verse of Scripture”? That’s the kind of remark I hear all the time. In fact, I hear myself saying that very often. Yesterday morning I heard myself saying that about Isaiah 26:3: “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” What do …
What Does “Praying Without Ceasing” Mean?
What does it mean to pray without ceasing? The Apostle Paul counseled the church at Thessalonica to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). I’ve met very few Christians who are completely satisfied with their prayer lives. We all know we need to pray. We all know we need to pray without ceasing, but what does that look like? What does …