“Getting Ready for Christmas.” Read Matthew 2:1-6. Christmas is upon us. What a wonderful time of the year. I hope that you will make Christmas a worshipful event in your life wherever you live and wherever you worship. Let me give you some ideas of how you can make it more meaningful. First, find a place to worship on Christmas …
The Virtue No One Wants
Day Twelve of “Getting Ready for Christmas.” Read Philippians 2:1-11. This passage tells us as much about the profound meaning of Christmas as any other. Christ left His throne above to redeem lost human beings. He humbled Himself and died on the cross for us. Because of His humility, we should also humble ourselves as we look to the needs …
How To Make A Giving Decision
We know we need to be givers, but we also know it’s difficult to give. How do you make a giving decision? Once you’ve decided to give, where do you give your money? Like most everything else, I believe a giving decision should be made after looking at the Scripture and spending time in prayer. God makes plain in Scripture …
Searching God’s Will For The Church
Obviously and completely, a church should seek God’s guidance and direction. Church cannot be what I want or what I think, it must be about God and His desires for His local body of believers. In all our ways we should acknowledge Him in order that He may direct our paths (Proverbs 3:5-6). As we go through this momentous time …
Things I Am Thankful For
All of us have many things for which we need to express gratitude. It is so easy to take our blessings for granted. Here are two things related to First Baptist Church for which I am thankful. First, I am thankful for the beautiful worship services last week when so many people made commitments to continue to provide space for …
Three Things I Care About
As a pastor of a church, people often want to know what I enjoy doing or what matters to me. They often mean, “what are your hobbies and what do you like to do just for fun?” It’s important, of course, for those who attend FBC Covington and worship with me to know those kinds of things. Actually, I really …
Thank You For Caring
I want to thank all of you who came to our Rise Up! Reveal Gatherings. Your willingness to give the time and the effort to attend encouraged all of those on the pastoral team as well as the Strategy Planning Team and the leadership for the capital campaign. Thank you for caring about the future ministry of First Baptist Church. …
Important–And Exciting–Days Ahead
This has been an exciting time in the life of FBC. First, we have had our best year ever in four categories–total attendance, Bible Study attendance, giving, and baptisms. In my estimation, our church health is at an all time high as well. We certainly have much for which to be thankful. Second, we are moving forward with our new building. We …
RISE UP! Is Moving Quickly
Events are moving fast–at least for me anyway. These are the events and decisions you need to know about our RISE UP! Capital Campaign. First, our Reveal Gatherings have been great to this point. Our first three meetings were for those in the leadership of the church–deacons, Bible Fellowship leaders, ministry team members, and other leaders. While some of those folks …
A RISE UP! Kind Of Day
We have a big day planned for October 26-27 (next weekend), and we hope you will be part of it. As part of our RISE UP! Campaign we have scheduled a High Attendance Day for our Bible Fellowship Groups and our worship Services. We hope you will make every effort to attend. We are trending upward and we want you …