Why Good Things Happen At Church

Years ago I preached a sermon with the title: “Why Good Things Happen At Church.” I have no idea what I said–I only remember the title. I do remember we had seen good things happening at church, and I wanted to reinforce good decisions and attitudes. Though I really don’t remember what I said or even my outline, I’m sure …

Ten To Remember–New Sermon Series

Next weekend, April 6-7, I will begin a new sermon series based on passages of Scripture which Christians need to know and live. The series will last ten weeks and will cover ten passages of Scripture which are vital to Christian living. A couple of years ago I preached “The Great Eight,” eight sermons from what I consider essential passages …

Great Starts

Metairie Church got off to a great start last week. About 80 people showed up for the initial meeting of this newest worship service of First Baptist Church and for our first multi-campus site. Many of the people who attended were members of FBC who attended to introduce a friend or relative to Metairie Church. Others were there to serve …

A Historic Weekend

This is a historic weekend for First Baptist Church. It begins the meeting of the Metarie Campus of First Baptist Church. We are thankful for all who have prayed and worked to make this day possible. Please let me share with you my vision for the future of our church and our campuses. First, we seek to be a church …

You’ve Got To See Metairie Church

Last week I went to visit the location of our new multi-campus site called Metairie Church–I was blown away. It is an impressive location with an impressive look. You will be thrilled at what you see. Here’s a suggestion for what you can do. Go by during the day when workers are present and look in the front door (please …

New Sermon Series–Taking The Way Of The Cross

We all have to take the way of the cross. No other way of devotion to God exists. We either take up the cross or we deny Christ. This is the gist of the new sermon series which begins this week and ends with the resurrection of Christ. Please plan to participate in each sermon. You can view the sermons …

Metairie Church–Our Strategy

March 10, 2013, will mark the first worship service of Metairie Church. Metairie Church is the first attempt by our congregation in pursuing a multi-campus strategy to reach our area for Christ. This is how Metairie Church will work. The church will not be separate; it will be First Covington meeting in a different location and ministering specifically to the …

Metairie Church–Where We Are

Over 100 years ago, Southern Baptists discussed the need to reach the strategic city of New Orleans. As part of their strategy, they set about to establish a school for training ministers. Today, that institution is known as New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. It is a world-class institution for preparing men and women to take the gospel to the world. …

Why Your Church Needs A New Member Class

For years First Baptist Church, Covington, Louisiana, (the church where I have served as Senior Pastor for 23 years) has conducted a new member class which we call the Discovery Class. We bill it for new members and for potential members. While we reach people who have recently joined our church, the majority of the group is made up of …

It’s Not How You Start . . .

It’s not how you start out in life that matters, it’s how you finish that counts. This week’s Super Bowl in New Orleans illustrates this perfectly. Along with the Super Bowl comes recruiting season as well. In the Southeastern Conference (SEC), we have three seasons. We have the regular season, spring football, and recruiting season. In recruiting season, we count …