This Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at 6:45 PM, we will meet in the church Fellowship Hall for a brief meeting to hear the recommendation from our Personnel Ministry Team and our Pastoral Team that Karen Walls be elected as our Preschool Minister. Karen has served with us for seven years, and we have gotten to know her well. During these …
Lagniappe: Our Ministers
Sometimes we take very important items for granted. At FBC Covington, one of those areas is in assuming everyone knows the ministers on our church staff. Since that obviously is not known by everyone, let me take this opportunity to give you that information. At the moment, we have 10 fulltime ministers for our congregation. Our current ministers have a …
Lagniappe: Thank You, Darlene
Today we recognize, honor, and thank Darlene Drivon for her service at FBC. In 1984 Darlene started attending FBCCov where she immediately began volunteering in our children’s department. In 2004 we divided the children’s ministry responsibilities into children and preschool – soon after that, Darlene became our full-time preschool minister where she has served faithfully for over 19 years. We …
Lagniappe: Happy birthday, First Baptist Church!
This past week, Valentine’s Day, marked the 120th anniversary of the establishment of a Baptist church in Covington. The year was 1904 and for the first time ever Covington had a Baptist church. It’s almost hard to believe because the City of Covington was established in 1813. Therefore, from 1813 to 1904 there was no Baptist worship and witness in …
Lagniappe: Staff News
We need to let you know that Clif Smith has taken a position with First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia, effective at the end of February. In this new position, Clif will work with the pastor to give direction to the minister of education and all of the education ministries. Clif and his family came to FBC 17 years ago, soon …
Lagniappe: Staff News
I have the responsibility of giving you the bittersweet news that Darlene Drivon, our longtime preschool minister, is retiring after a long and distinguished career at FBC Covington. Darlene is one of the longest-term members of FBC. She started attending in 1984 and began volunteering in our children’s department. In 1994 she became a paid employee in the preschool area, …
Lagniappe: Thank You for Your Faithfulness
I hope you were able to visit Central Hall last Wednesday evening and see the renovation taking place. This is a major overhaul of a very important part of our facility – and we are hopeful that it will be completed sometime in the spring. I really can’t explain how much this area will mean for future events. I want …
Lagniappe: A Review of 2023
How was the year 2023 at FBC? I am thankful for your interest in the ministry of First Baptist Covington. Last week at our first congregational meeting of 2024 I gave a brief report about measurable results for the church. Here are three areas- worship attendance, Connect Groups, and giving – which are quite measurable: 2023 was a record year …
Lagniappe: New Series and Our Deacons
Thank you for joining us for worship! Today we start a new Series: NEXT STEP and are emphasizing Serving God and Living in Humility before Him. I pray this will be a meaningful time of worship for you. While the worship service is for all of us, today emphasizes our Deacon Ministry. We elect deacons who will be an example …
Lagniappe: A Year Like No Other
As we set out eyes on Jesus – may we always remember to look to Him for wisdom in all things and to seek Him for guidance in every situation. Also, let us remember the “great cloud of witnesses” who have gone before us … many have left a legacy of faith and a vision of hope that encourages us …