Lagniappe: Christmas Eve

Welcome to Christmas Eve at First Baptist, Covington! We are excited to have you worship with us, and we are thankful for your attendance. May God bless you and your family this Christmas. While we’re thinking about the message of Christmas, we are also thinking about the future. We exist to help people know and accept Jesus Christ and through …

Lagniappe: Christmas Together

I hope you were able to make it to our Christmas musical presentation Christmas Together – a Christmas Worship Celebration this past weekend. It was a beautiful time of worship. Our orchestra, children, youth, and adult choir members did an outstanding job – and I want to thank them for their hard work and many, many hours of practice. If …

Lagniappe: Our Deacons

Do you know one of the reasons we, as a church, are able to minister to so many in our congregation? It’s because we have 30 Deacons who are true to their calling in the New Testament: to be servants of the Church. These men provide counsel and support for the Pastors, assist in ministering to the membership, and work …

Lagniappe: Tis the Christmas Season

This past Sunday we kicked off the Christmas Season with the annual lighting of the Christmas Tree on the South lawn. It was a wonderful experience with music and fellowship. This Sunday, you may notice “Bethlehem” on our south lawn. The Children’s Connect Groups will be celebrating Miracle in the Manger – focusing on the birth of Jesus that includes …

Lagniappe: Welcoming the Holidays

As I write this, I am looking out my office window at our Plaza Christmas Tree going up. We are looking forward to Sunday night when we will celebrate this Christmas Tree Lighting with carols, cocoa, and cookies at 6pm on the South Lawn. The Christmas tree lighting is a fun event tailormade for children and adults to think about …

Lagniappe: Congregational Meeting Report

Thanks to all of you who joined us this past Wednesday night for our fourth Congregational Meeting of 2023. I want to give you a brief report of the meeting. Most congregational meetings contain information that pertains to the health and vitality of the congregation. Therefore, We received reports about new members, attendance for Connect Groups, and attendance for worship. …

Lagniappe: Last Congregational Meeting of 2023

Please join us for our last Congregational Meeting of 2023. This meeting will take place this Wednesday night, November 15, at 6:45 PM in the Worship Center. These meetings are where we give information that you need about the church. This includes those who desire to join us in membership, as well as a picture of the financial health of …

Lagniappe: Upcoming 2024 Budget Presentation

Last week I announced our proposed budget for 2024. This week I want to give you my (our) view of budgeting for a church. First, a church budget should be a reasonable and reachable amount. For example, a church with 100 people cannot have an $8 million budget, but a church with an average attendance of 2,400 can. We also …

Lagniappe: Proposed Budget for 2024

The month of November is a time when we emphasize thanksgiving. That makes November a special time. November is also important for FBC Covington because it’s when we culminate our budget planning for the new year. Each year we plan a budget – which we live within – and present it to the congregation. Beginning next week, you will receive …

Lagniappe: Renovation has begun on Central Hall!

We are happy to announce that the renovation has begun on Central Hall. You may remember that this is part of the reason we began the Anchored capital campaign. Your faithful giving is making this much needed renovation possible. The work began this past week and will conclude sometime late in the spring. Until the work is complete, most of …