Our capital campaign, Rise Up!, has been planned and scheduled for this fall. I hope you will take advantage of the opportunity to learn about our expansion plans. You will have multiple venues for getting the why, what, and how of our new building. The best time you will have to learn about the building will be at our Reveal Gatherings …
Baptism And Its Meaning
We joyfully baptized 79 people in the Bogue Falaya River in Covington, Louisiana, September 1. While we baptized 79 people we had about four or five times that many people who came to sing and rejoice with those being baptized. Baptism in the Bogue Falaya is special, but baptism in any venue is a wonderful experience. This is what we …
What’s Driving Our Building?
I like information. I want to know the “what” of a situation but I also want to know the “why.” Since I want the “whys” I do my best to always give you the “whys” as well. Today, I want to give you the “whys” for doubling the size of the building of First Baptist church. The easy answer would …
How To Handle Church Problems
What does the church do when it finds itself in difficult situations? When the early church experienced difficulty, the church turned to men of good reputation to lead the church and bring it into harmony. Acts 6 describes a time when different groups in the church in Jerusalem disagreed. The two groups had significant differences. One group (called Hebrews) had …
Time For Football And College
Finally we are approaching the time many of us have been waiting for–the beginning of the new football season. Next week will be a great week. It’s also the time when new and returning college students head off to school. This week one of my favorite members of our youth group came by to tell me he would be leaving …
How Do You “Train A Child?”
“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6). How do you train a child? Is anything more important than training the next generation? Can this be put off? What can we do to touch the next generation with the gospel and equip them for what they …
Opportunities For The Fall
School has started and we are back into the “swing” of doing church. In addition to school starting fresh so does church. We have a number of opportunities for you to grow in your faith. Please look at The Vision or go to fbccov.org to get the complete picture. We have almost any scenario possible to encourage you in your …
Forgiving And Letting Go
Next week begins a new sermon series about which I am extremely excited. I believe it has the potential to touch all of us and bring us closer to God and closer to one another. Forgiveness is a universal need, not simply one option out of many. All of us–Christians and non-Christians–must be ready to forgive and let go. Being …
God’s Goal: Your Transformation
When I think of First Baptist Covington, Paul’s letter to the church at Thessalonica comes to mind. Paul had a difficult experience in Philippi as he attempted to share the gospel, but the people at Thessalonica were much more receptive. In one of the earliest writings in the New Testament, Paul thanked them warmly for their love and devotion for …
Thankful For A Caring Church
Martha and I want to thank you for our time to be away. We are enjoying the rest and already looking forward to returning in August. Several people have written to encourage me and to remind me how blessed we are to have pastors we can count on to preach and to do congregational care during this time. I agree …