Metairie Church–Our Strategy

March 10, 2013, will mark the first worship service of Metairie Church. Metairie Church is the first attempt by our congregation in pursuing a multi-campus strategy to reach our area for Christ. This is how Metairie Church will work. The church will not be separate; it will be First Covington meeting in a different location and ministering specifically to the …

Metairie Church–Where We Are

Over 100 years ago, Southern Baptists discussed the need to reach the strategic city of New Orleans. As part of their strategy, they set about to establish a school for training ministers. Today, that institution is known as New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. It is a world-class institution for preparing men and women to take the gospel to the world. …

A Super Bowl Worthy Of Its Name

Finally, a Super Bowl worthy of the name. The only better Super Bowl game was Super Bowl XLIV when the Saints beat the Colts. Last night’s game was so good because it had so much drama. Baltimore jumped out to a big lead and looked to be running away with the game. When the lights went out Twitter lit up …

Why Your Church Needs A New Member Class

For years First Baptist Church, Covington, Louisiana, (the church where I have served as Senior Pastor for 23 years) has conducted a new member class which we call the Discovery Class. We bill it for new members and for potential members. While we reach people who have recently joined our church, the majority of the group is made up of …

Twelve Words To Transform Your Life

Expositor Warren Wiersbe ended his discussion of the tongue and the words we speak (James 3:1-12) by giving twelve words which will transform your life. While you could add several words to the list, you can’t argue with his twelve words. You also can’t argue with the power of these words to change you and to change those around you. …

It’s Not How You Start . . .

It’s not how you start out in life that matters, it’s how you finish that counts. This week’s Super Bowl in New Orleans illustrates this perfectly. Along with the Super Bowl comes recruiting season as well. In the Southeastern Conference (SEC), we have three seasons. We have the regular season, spring football, and recruiting season. In recruiting season, we count …

Is It The Truth?

My father and my maternal grandfather were both members of the Rotary Club. I have always thought of the Rotary Club as a great civic group. For example, their worldwide goal is the eradication of polio. Both my father and grandfather had the Rotary Four-Way Test prominently displayed in their business. The Four-Way Test asks these questions: Is it the …

Getting Involved In A Church

How do you get involved in a church? How do you get accepted and become part of the core group of people (this can be a very large group) who serve and lead the church? This is a major issue and worth discussing. Two things must happen. First, the church must be open to allowing new people to become the …

Haiti – A Day of Memory, A Day of Hope

By: Jay Johnston,D.Min. January 12, 2013 Today is the 3rd anniversary of the earthquake in Haiti that resulted in over 300,000 deaths. It is estimated that over 1.4 million people live under tents or on the streets of Haiti. In 2011 a cholera outbreak occurred with an estimated 8,500 deaths and this number is rising. Many of the people in …

What You Can Do When Trouble Comes

Trouble comes to all people. James acknowledged this when he wrote: “Count it all joy, my brethren, when you meet various trials” (James 1:2). Isn’t it amazing that James dealt with suffering at the very start of his letter? By doing so, he acknowledged the universality of trial and trouble. Afflictions, troubles, and difficulties are common to human beings. It …