
Martha and I are taking a few days off this week, but we are looking forward to seeing you next weekend. We are also looking forward to getting ourselves ready for Easter and for our new capital campaign with the sermon series entitled: “Anchored.” The series will be a “Tell me the story of Jesus“ series. We will look at …

Pray For Ukraine

After eight years of ongoing conflict, tension continues to mount on the border between Ukraine and Russia. Imminent conflict between the two countries could spark a catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, causing millions to be displaced from their homes. Send Relief, a cooperative ministry between the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board, is working with local Baptist …


Last week I shared with you six physical goals for 2022. These are the things we want to accomplish to position us for a future of ministry at this location. Let me remind you of these six goals: 1. Purchase the 15.46 acres which adjoins our property along Highway 1085. For possible use: additional parking, recreation fields, a family gymnasium/family …


Our Physical Goals for 2022 I have written and spoken previously about our physical goals for the new year. These are things that we hope to begin immediately and finish over the next three years. Please look at these needs with me. 1. Purchase the 15.46 acres which adjoins our property along Highway 1085. We have discussed and voted on …


One of the great questions of life is, “How do I get from where I am to where I want to be?” Almost all of us ask that question in one way or another. How can I get to where I want and need to be? Depending on what the issue is determines what the answer is. For example, if …


Living wisely. Learning to live wisely may be one of the most crucial areas of our lives. This is especially true for followers of Christ who want to faithfully represent Him and who want to make Him known to a broken world. For years, one of my most significant Bible verses has been, “Trust in the Lord with all your …


I have often said that Wednesday Night is the best kept secret at First Baptist Church. What makes it so good? Fellowship. Wednesday night allows groups to get together and to know one another.  It also is a time when all age groups can meet. We have ministry groups for Preschool, Children, Youth, and Adults.  Though we have hundreds of …


My mother had strange rituals concerning New Year’s Day and the new year. She said that whatever you did on New Year’s Day you would do all year long. That was fine with me because we watched college football every January 1!  My mother would not vacuum or sweep on New Year’s Day! My mother wasn’t superstitious; it was just …


Deacon Affirmation Each year around March the Deacon Leadership Team starts the process of selecting men for the next year.  The selection format is that the deacons propose a slate of up-to 15 men to the church for affirmation.  This year there are 14 being presented to the church. The criteria for Deacons are men who love the Lord, support …


Happy New Year!  Martha and I are enjoying some time to relax, spend time with family, and get caught up on a number  of things we needed to accomplish. Thank you for allowing us this time. I appreciate Josh and Chris  and our other pastors who have made it possible for us to take some time off.  We have much …