By Waylon Bailey Welcome to Easter worship! We are thankful to have you joining us today in the worship of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is especially meaningful because last Easter we met only virtually. Have you considered exactly what the resurrection of Jesus means? While the answer is probably yes, let me give you some suggestions of …
By Waylon Bailey Upcoming events that you will want to know about and attend Wednesday March 31st @ 6:45 we will have a Congregational Meeting to discuss and vote-on accepting FBCKenner as a campus of FBCCovington. Thursday, April 1st @ 7PM we will observe the Lord’s Supper as we “Do This In Remembrance” of the Last Supper. Saturday – Sunday, …
Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
Your prayers and gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering provide support for thousands of missionaries in the United States, Canada, and American territories such as Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands and American Samoa. These men and women are planting new churches in unreached communities and meeting needs through compassion ministries. Every day, lives are being impacted and transformed. It is a mission field …
Getting ready for Easter—and beyond For the first time in two years, we will be able to have in-person worship on Easter weekend. What a wonderful occasion that will be! We are trying to do everything possible to make this a safe, exciting and meaningful time. So, here are some of our plans. Starting this weekend, we will re-configure our …
Seeking Shalom
Seeking Shalom: How reimagining our response to poverty and people in need can transform lives and restore communities. When: Begins April 11 Duration: 6 weeks Time: 5:00pm Where: W412 What if someone told you the opposite of poverty isn’t wealth, but a rich biblical word, “shalom”, meaning peace with God, self, others, and peace with a created order. Seeking Shalom is a …
By Waylon Bailey Three Propositions to Live by: Let me give you three propositions that will help you understand what God has called us to do. First, nothing matters as much in your life as having a personal relationship with the God who loves you and created you. Second, God sent His Son that you might know God and receive …
By Waylon Bailey Coming Events: Wednesday, March 10th @ 6:45PM in Central Hall – Congregational Meeting for Bylaw addition. This will be a short meeting before Pastor’s Bible Study to vote on additions proposed and discussed at our February 24th Meeting. Weekend Worship, March 13th & 14th during all three services – Baptism: Please contact Jackie at to sign-up. …
By Waylon Bailey Report from our congregational meeting This past Wednesday evening the church met for our first congregational meeting of the year. The meeting was unusually well attended, and I was thankful for the good attendance. We use these congregational meetings not only to talk about business, but also to discuss vision and purpose. At this meeting we talked …
By Waylon Bailey Our first congregational meeting of 2021 This Wednesday at 6:45 PM we will have our first congregational meeting of 2021. This will be a consequential meeting. I hope that you will be present as we make decisions and as we give information about our church. Here are some items which will be discussed and voted on: [1] …
Waylon Bailey Martha and I are deeply appreciative for the loving support you have been for us in this difficult time. We are thankful for how you have mourned when we mourned and rejoiced as we have rejoiced. We have been so encouraged by your cards, texts, emails, gifts, and meals. Your personal words and encouragement have meant much to …