How Church Has Changed over the Last Five Weeks

By Waylon Bailey. I don’t need to call to anyone’s attention that church has changed over the last five weeks. Nothing in my lifetime has had as much affect on the church as the Covid-19 Pandemic. What are the changes? First, sacred cows and traditions have been abruptly removed from the church. If you can’t pass an offering plate, is …

The Greatest Goal of All

By Waylon Bailey. Goal making is vital for life. It truly is amazing how setting goals will propel you through life. If you set the right goals and work to achieve them, it is amazing how you will see your goals fulfilled. With that in mind, let me encourage you to set a goal that will underwrite all of your …

Making the Most of the Parenthesis

By Waylon Bailey. How have I heard people describe this time? Well, just yesterday, “crazy,” “strange,” “unprecedented” (of course), and “surreal.” While this time is all of the above, it is also time to be bold and daring. It is time to make the most of this parenthesis. We may be in this parenthesis of pandemic for months. We could …

Blessed are the Flexible

By Waylon Bailey. Flexible people are truly amazing and so helpful. Sometime during the day yesterday I left all the heavy things that all of us have been dealing with, and I began to think about how flexible people have been during this time. After all, when we think about dealing with change, has any time in your life been …

It’s Time to Pray

Live Prayer Here! By Waylon Bailey. It’s time to pray, and I hope you are praying a lot. I also hope you are praying fervently, diligently, and specifically. Over the last year or so, I’ve reconnected with the hymn, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus.” I’ve particularly thought about the phrase, “What a privilege to carry everything to God …

What to do with your Stimulus Check

By Waylon Bailey. Beginning very soon, many—maybe most—Americans Will receive a stimulus check from the federal government. It will amount to $1200 for adults and $500 for children, depending on eligibility. This is to offset the huge costs some people are experiencing from the Covid-19 Crisis. What should you do with your money? This question is being debated in many …

How Does the Story End?

By Waylon Bailey. In the midst of crisis, such as the Covid-19 crisis, we all want to know how the story ends. In this present crisis, we particularly want to know when it will end, how it will end, and in some sense, if it will end? Will this end? Will we be safe? The Apostle Paul taught the early …

A New Way to Celebrate Easter

By Waylon Bailey. No one expected this–ever! Who would have thought that our church buildings would be empty for Easter and our families not joining together for Easter Sunday? But, of course, this is where we are. We must celebrate the resurrection in a slightly different way but with the same intensity as ever. Here are some things you can …

Getting Ready for Easter

By Waylon Bailey. This may be the most meaningful Easter you have had since the time of your salvation. God is at what bringing revival to His people. What can we do to truly see the truth of Christ? Read Scripture. If you have children at home, include them in understanding that this event is real and that it means …

Living in the Parenthesis

By Waylon Bailey. Years ago I taught at New Orleans Baptist Theological. I loved teaching, but I mainly loved the people I taught. I’m often asked if I miss teaching. My answer is always the same, “Not a minute because I teach and preach all the time, and I love the people to whom I get to be the pastor.” …