The God We Serve

By Waylon Bailey Over the weekend I preached from Luke 15, the chapter containing three significant parables. These are the parable of the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin, and the Lost Son (we mostly know it as the parable of the Prodigal Son). All of these parables teach us about God. Anytime we go to Scripture, the greatest thing we …

Dr. Waylon Bailey's Lagniappe

Lagniappe March 21st

The State of the Church: Where We Are at This Point in History By Dr. Waylon Bailey Two weeks ago, I had no idea where we would be today. Even one week ago seems like a time long ago which is now almost forgotten. Two weeks ago we were having record attendance in worship and talking about having 2000 people …

When Life Gets Overwhelming

By Waylon Bailey Sometimes life simply becomes more than you can take. You get overwhelmed by life. That may be where you are today. What can we do in these kind of times? Paul addressed these kinds of issues when he wrote to the church in Philippi. One of the amazing things about this letter is the fact that the …

It’s Time to be a Good Soldier of Jesus Christ

By Waylon Bailey From prison where he would suffer execution, Paul challenged Timothy (and us) to teach truth, be strong in the grace of Christ, and join Paul in hardship by being a good soldier of Jesus Christ. “You, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things which you have heard from …

Wasting Time or Pleasing God?

By Waylon Bailey Today, for much of the country, begins an unprecedented time in American history. Schools will be closed and people’s lives will be disrupted. People will have to make gut-wrenching choices about crucial parts of their lives. The church will have to find new ways to do its ministry and carry out its mission. Will we please God …

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Lagniappe March 14th

Coronavirus – what you need to know. These are difficult and frightening times worldwide. Our information and our response to the information is changing multiple times during the day. The following points hopefully will help you related to church and to life. First, I want you to know we are following all protocols for cleanliness in our buildings at first …

Don’t Let Your Trouble Get the Best of You

Jesus famously told His disciples, “Let not your heart be troubled” (John 14:1). His disciples found that encouragement difficult to understand and accept. We find it hard as well. Life is filled with trouble and anxiety. Life with all its complexity gets us down. More than ever, we need to hear the counsel of Jesus to not let our hearts …

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Lagniappe March 7th

You have a lot to think about. We all do. From the upcoming presidential and congressional elections, to the economy, to the coronavirus – we all have a lot on our minds. Let me remind you that with all illness, cleanliness is the best solution – both at home and at church. At church we are going to continue to …

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Lagniappe February 29th

We’ve made this year a year for evangelism and reaching people for a deeper life with Christ. We are just finishing our initial push for getting us ready for what we can do in the remainder of the year and the years to come. People who are lost need Christ, and those who know Christ need to live closer to …

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Lagniappe February 22nd

Remember, we are members of the body of Christ. That is an amazing blessing and a heavy responsibility. This is what one pastor said about his expectation of members of the body of Christ. “I have high expectations of my church. Church members should worship together often, give generously, serve sacrificially, and make disciples of all nations. There are no …