Coping/Thriving: Learning to Live in Post-Christian America

By: Waylon Bailey ~ This weekend we begin a new sermon series entitled Coping/Thriving. This series will explore how believers in the Lord Jesus Christ can live in the world but not of the world. We all know how difficult this is. It’s nothing new. Even in the days when it seemed that American culture favored or at least tolerated …

Do You Have Any Extra Money?

By: Waylon Bailey ~ It’s almost laughable isn’t it? Who has extra money? It seems there is never quite enough. But, this is a real question. Do have extra money that you could put to good use? I can give you many suggestions of how you might do that, but today I have only one suggestion for a way you …

Working with Our Partners

By: Waylon Bailey We are blessed to have many allies as we seek to do the work of ministry. I am thankful for the churches of our area and throughout the state who faithfully live for Christ and preach the unchanging Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am particularly thankful for our many partners among Louisiana Baptists who cooperate with us …

Bible Reading for Dummies

I was so encouraged yesterday at the response I received from a post about how God has blessed me. I wrote about practicing the presence of God, reading Scripture, and letting God examine my heart. You can read that post here. In the section about finding God in Scripture I mentioned that if anyone would like a simple Bible reading plan …

Are You New to FBC?

By: Waylon Bailey Are you new to FBC? Do you want to get connected? For the last few months we have seen many new people coming to First Baptist Church. I want you to know you are welcome, and we want you to get closely connected to our body of believers. We’ve learned that getting involved in a group helps …

America Needs Your Church

By: Waylon Bailey ~  In World War II, a poster of Uncle Sam pointed right at you and said: “I want you for U.S. Army.” Those were frightening times for the whole world, but those were outside problems. I have no doubt Americans can deal with any problem with outside enemies. It’s the inside enemies that worry me. Today our …


By: Waylon Bailey ~ Sometimes I simply wonder about things. Often we wonder about why things happen the way they do and why people make destructive decisions. Sometimes we even wonder if God is present and working in our lives. Does He really have a plan? Is He working all things together for our good? Our next sermon series is …

Living Rich

By: Waylon Bailey ~ This weekend I will begin a new sermon series from the Gospel of John. The new series is titled: “Living Rich: Eternal Life in the Gospel of John.” We will have six messages which cover much of the Gospel of John. I developed this series when I discovered how often “eternal life” is found in John’s …

My Easter Greeting

By: Waylon Bailey May God bless you and your family this Easter. I pray you would experience the Risen Lord as those first believers did. This couLd be the biggest day of your life. Easter is a really big deal. Here’s why. First, without the resurrection of Christ, the Christian faith is simply another empty religion. Sure, Christianity has distinct …

Our New Building–Where We Stand

By: Waylon Bailey First Baptist Church has voted to explore completing our church master plan with a building to house additional Bible study space, a larger Commons area, and a new worship center. Let me bring you up to date with where we are today. First, this is a large (larger than our current facility) and complicated project. We have …