
I think you know that I get to work with a very special group of people, both in our office staff and our pastoral team. I am so very thankful to have this opportunity to work with such a dedicated group if people – who love our Lord and love you, the church. Our Personnel Team provides recognition to our …


Our current sermon series is about the challenges that we face in life. Today, I am preaching from the letter of Simon Peter to dispersed churches and Christians living in a time of persecution. When the letter was written Simon Peter was in prison at Rome awaiting execution. It’s understandable that he wrote much about suffering. Afterall, he was experiencing …


Connect Groups and Mental Health All this month we have been emphasizing the importance of Connect Groups – our small group Bible studies. We all know why they are important; Bible study, the community of believers, and the opportunity to pray and serve together.  These groups meet here at the church building before/after services, and options are – Saturday at …


Are We Seeing “Green Shoots?” Not one of us would deny we are living in very difficult and perilous times.  Our faith in Christ is under attack daily across the country, and our children are being targeted with destructive ideologies and teaching. Yet, I think I can see a glimmer of hope. I certainly can’t speak about the nation, and …


Several weeks ago I asked the Wednesday night Bible study group to pray specifically for a fruitful harvest of new believers. The following weekend, we also asked the entire church to do the same. Since that time, we have seen a steady group of new believers. Thirty-six of those new believers were baptized in the Bogue Falaya River last Sunday. …


If you could do one thing to help the church and to help people, would you do it?  I have great confidence that you would. Here is my suggestion for today. Join a group of people similar to you in meeting together for fellowship, prayer, and Bible Study. We call those groups “Connect Groups.”  These are small groups of people …


WE’VE GOTTEN OFF TO A GOOD START It’s a new school year, and we’ve gotten off to a good start! I am so thankful for you and your love for God and your faithfulness to Him and His church. Our worship services, connect groups, and all of our ministries have been equal to or exceeding the pre-pandemic levels. With all …


Beginning last Wednesday night, I asked those participating in our Wednesday evening Bible study (from The Book of Joshua) to pray specifically and fervently for a fruitful harvest last weekend and for the weeks to come. We asked God according to His will, and He blessed His church. At the 11 o’clock service last week we had five pastors receiving …


PLEASE READ THIS Would you join me in specific and targeted prayer? Wednesday night I taught from Joshua 1 and emphasized the cooperation of the people of God in taking the land which the Lord had promised to give them. I then noted how many good and wonderful things can happen when people work together. We have all seen the …


I hope that you have been blessed with a wonderful summer that included family, friends, and times of refreshing. This has certainly been part of our summer.  I also hope that you will now turn your thoughts and prayers to how God can use us all to grow in Him and to accomplish His purposes. Let me give you some …