Where do we go from here? The Christian church is rooted in the past but always living in the present and looking to the future. This makes the church unique – and it gives it its power: Our power is in Christ alone He is our hope He is our future. I love the words of the great hymn, “O …
Today we begin our ReBoot sermon series. When we planned this, weeks and months ago, we hoped the pandemic would be behind us and we would be able to move forward with the normal things we have done in the past. That, of course, is not happening right now. And I’m okay with that. I want to remind you that …
We enjoyed the time away – but it is GOOD to be back! Martha and I have had a wonderful time away. While we spent almost all of it at home, this has been an encouraging and helpful time. In addition to spending time with Anna, Chris, Jake, and Chase Mizell, who live here and are active in FBC Covington, …
By Waylon Bailey We are thankful today to have Jeff Hancock with us from the International Justice Mission. IJM works around the world seeking to overcome slavery and human trafficking. This organization has a life-changing and world changing mission. We want to give you, and First Baptist Church, the opportunity to be a part of what God is doing to …
By Waylon Bailey August is near, and it’s coming very quickly. We are thankful for what we’ve accomplished in June and July – – Vacation Bible School, camps of all kinds, and several mission trips. Now we’re ready to move on to August as we “ReBoot“ and start up new and established Ministries. Beginning in August I will begin teaching …
I hope you had a wonderful Fourth of July, and I hope you are getting ready for a 101% August and September. 101% represents our goal for getting us back to church and ministry as we begin the new school year. Our goal is to have an attendance larger than we had two years ago before the pandemic hit. We …
Join Us for Freedom Weekend!
Slavery still exists. At this moment, millions of people made in God’s image are trapped in slavery. Human trafficking is a massive global enterprise. In total, slave owners around the world make about $150 billion a year — two-thirds from commercial sexual exploitation — by preying on some of the world’s most vulnerable people. About 80% of human trafficking victims …
Happy Fourth of July! May God bless America! What a wonderful day when we get to celebrate our freedom in Christ – and also celebrate the blessings and joys of American freedoms. We are truly blessed people, and we need to live with that blessing in mind. We also need to make sure to extend “liberty and justice to all“ …
By Waylon Bailey Preaching and Other News Today I am preaching from Philippians 1:3-11. This is one of those passages of Scripture that describes the deep, personal relationships within the family of God. Martha and I think of you in this way: “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, . . . thankful for your partnership …
By Waylon Bailey Happy Father’s Day! May God bless you and your family. One of God‘s Commandments is that we honor our father and mother. Today we are seeking to do that as we follow Scripture and communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Last week we began a new sermon series entitled, “CHURCHNOW.” It is our attempt to remind us …