“The local church is the only organization I know that will provide all that it offers, for free, for anyone, for as long as they want”–Dan Reiland. The more I read that quote Thursday morning, the more significant it became for me. The church really is what Dan Reiland said. It really is the only organization I know that provides …
A Trip to the Potter’s House
~by Waylon Bailey Jeremiah‘s trip to the potter’s house (Jeremiah 18:1-12) showed him the work and plan of God. What message did God give Jeremiah in this passage of Scripture? First, God showed the prophet the sovereignty and power of God. As Jeremiah watched the potter at work, he received God‘s message showing that God is at work in nations …
Lagniappe October 6th
Beginning in January, we are planning to emphasize people coming to know and follow Christ with a special emphasis called “Who’s Your One”. Have you considered what would happen if we all would simply seek to reach one person we already know for Christ? How many could be reached if we determined to pray daily for our ONE? Last week, …
Takeaways About Prayer
~by Waylon Bailey Prayer is at the heart of our Christian faith. In Scripture, we find many examples of prayer including and culminating with Jesus’ model prayer (the Lord’s Prayer). We also find exhortations to pray, and we find different aspects of prayer. One of the great passages about prayer is Paul’s writing to the Ephesians. In this passage, Paul …
The Two Ways
~by Waylon Bailey “Thus says the Lord: ‘Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, whose heart turns away from the Lord. He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land. Blessed is the …
Lagniappe September 22nd
Would you like to help start churches in Louisiana, especially in the southern part of the state where the need is the greatest? Would you like to start churches that reach the ethnic groups of the state? Would you like to help churches refocus their emphasis on the youngest generation among us? All of that happens when we give to …
What God Wants in Our Worship
~ by Waylon Bailey All of us want certain things when we go to the place of worship. For example, we expect to hear a well-prepared message based on the Word of God. We want everything done “decently and in order.” We want to be challenged about our ministry, conduct, and service. All of these are good things. God also …
Can I Trust God?
~ by Waylon Bailey Though no one really talks about it much, it’s one of the basic questions of life–“Can I trust God?” Of all the things we really need to know, this question comes close to the most important in life. We want to know if God knows us and if He will be there when we need Him. …
Lagniappe September 8th
Our third congregational meeting for the year 2019 will be held this weekend – Sunday, September 8 at 6:00 pm in Central Hall. Our congregational meetings are important times for us. Our by-laws and our church culture calls for transparency in our meetings. For this reason, and because we are congregationally governed, I hope you will join us for this …
We All Fear Something
Fear is universal. We all fear something. The man of God is not any different. Jeremiah dealt with fear just as you and I do. When God set apart Jeremiah to serve Him, Jeremiah protested that he could not speak because of his youth. God told him not to say that he was a youth, and God told him not …