~by Waylon Bailey We rightfully put a huge emphasis on children, how they are raised, and what is best for them. God’s Word gives us invaluable insight about children and how they should be raised. Here are a few of the many emphases the Bible has about raising children. First, children are a gift of God and should be raised …
How Husbands Love Their Wives
~ by Waylon Bailey Sunday I preached about marriage using Paul’s exhortations to the entire household of those who love and follow Christ. God has a special word for husbands. He wants husbands to reflect the image of Christ as they live out their faith. “Husbands, love your wives, and do not be harsh to them” (Colossians 3:19). You may …
Living Blessed
–by Waylon Bailey Several years ago John Ortberg wrote a book on spiritual disciplines entitled, “The Life You’ve Always Wanted.” It deals with prayer, Scripture, solitude, and other practices which will bring us the kind of life and relationship with God we’ve always wanted. That seems to be the same kind of message Paul gave to the Church at Colossae. …
How Do I Live For Christ?
-by Waylon Bailey How do we live for Christ? We often miss the point of Holy Scripture. We tend to think that it was written for people apart from Christ. Of course, it’s just the opposite. God gave us Scripture to bless, guide, and encourage the people of God. With that in mind, Colossians three was written to help believers …
What Paul’s Letter to the Colossian Christians Tell Us About Christ
-by Waylon Bailey The Apostle Paul wrote to the believers in Colossae about their relationships with one another and about their relationship with God. As part of this letter, he described who Christ is. Colossians chapter one is one of the greatest passages to explain who Christ is. Many people believe that Colossians 1:15-23 made up an ancient hymn used …
Three Truths about Sin and Temptation
All Scripture is true, and all Scripture teaches us truths by which we can live in strength and power. Genesis three is especially instructive in how to live in the midst of sin and temptation. Here are three truths from God’s Word. First, we all struggle with temptation.Like Eve we see things we think we must have. She saw that …
Learning Who We Are
The narrative of creation shows us who we are by showing us who God is. We understand ourselves when we understand God. Often, I get asked: “Why do we need the Old Testament?“ My answer usually goes something like this: “The Old Testament shows us the nature of God. It reveals to us the God and Father of our Lord …
Four Things to Make Your Church Better
I love the church. I always have. For all of my adult life, I have been actively involved in a local church. While I don’t have all wisdom or all knowledge, I have definite ideas of how you can make your own local church better in ministry, service, and impact. Let me give you four things you can do to …
The Importance of Eye Witnesses
“For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, and then to the twelve. After that He appeared to more than five …
The Ironies of the Trial and Crucifixion of Jesus
Everyone who has been a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ for any length of time is well acquainted with the trial and crucifixion of our Lord. Jesus gave Himself freely and voluntarily to atone for our sins. While we know this wonderful fact, there are other areas that are striking in their truthfulness and ironic in the way it …