Lagniappe I often think and say, “Wednesday night is the best kept secret at First Baptist Church.” This is why I think that way: Wednesday nights provide powerful ways to grow in Christ and to apply Scripture to our lives. On Wednesday nights we have ministries and programs for the entire family. We work with preschoolers, children, youth, and adults. …
Deacon Ordination
Each year in February/March the Deacon Leadership Team starts the process of selecting men for the next year. The selection format is that the deacons propose a slate of 15 men to the church for affirmation. The criteria for Deacons are men who love the Lord, support the church, and are consistently involved in ministry for the church. They are …
Dr. Waylon Bailey We thank God for His mercy and His care over us. While many people certainly suffered through Hurricane Zeta, we know that we received the blessing and mercy of God. Let us be faithful in giving thanks unto God. Because of Hurricane Zeta, we had to postpone our October 28th Congregational Meeting until this Wednesday, November 4, …
After Six Months
We are now over six months from the start of the pandemic shut down and I want to bring you up to date on where we are. March 22, 2020: We began not having in-person worship or Bible study for nine weeks. May 24, 2020: We began in-person worship but without small group meetings. July 6 -9, 2020: We conducted …
Dr. Waylon Bailey Making Disciples and Opening Up This is the purpose of First Baptist Church: We exist to help people know and accept Jesus Christ and through Him experience life-changing relationships. We do this because Jesus gave us the command to go into all the world making disciples. He told us to baptize and to teach, and we …
Dr. Waylon Bailey Jesus told us to go into all the world making disciples and baptizing and teaching those disciples. In the days ahead I hope to talk with you about making disciples and teaching them about the commands of Christ. Today, I want to talk with you about baptism. Baptism is not to make us Christians but to …
Disaster Relief
Dr. Waylon Bailey Hurricane Laura came ashore early Thursday in Cameron Parish Louisiana. We have all seen the devastation caused by this massive storm. One early report stated that “every structure in Lake Charles has been damaged in some way.” I hope that estimate is too pessimistic. For those of us who went through Hurricane Katrina, this was a …
Waylon Bailey First Baptist Church has been wonderfully blessed, and I thank God and your faithfulness for making this happen. We have now been “regathered” for 15 weeks. During this time, we have seen many joy filled events. Our pastors and staff have worked tirelessly to continue the work of ministry during what could be described as “the most …
People Are Struggling
By Waylon Bailey People are struggling. From the unrest in the country to the personal pain and loss with COVID-19, people are struggling. Much of this struggling seems to come from lack of close relationships with loving people. What should we do? First, pray for people and pray with people. When people pray with us, we receive a “Double” …
What Would Jesus Do In A Pandemic?
Waylon Bailey Recently, I saw a tweet on Twitter that asked the question, “What would Jesus do in the midst of a worldwide pandemic?” No answer to the question was given, but the author obviously had an agenda and a suggested answer. The good news is that it led me to really ask, “What would Jesus do?” A man …