I want to thank all of you for helping make last weekend, particularly Sunday, 3/16/25, such a significant time for First Baptist Church. As we emphasized John 3:16, we had a wonderful opportunity of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with the people you invited and brought to worship with you and/or to attend your Connect Group. It was truly a good day.
When I think of days like this, I almost always think about the future. We are always trying to do “pre-evangelism.”
We are trying to plant seeds for the gospel and to open doors to help people hear the gospel and trust in the Lord.
I believe we will see the fruit from our Connect Group emphasis and from our worship services in the years to come.
I would encourage you “not to be discouraged in doing well”. God works through His Word, and He works through our faithful witnessing of His goodness and of the Hope we have in Him.
For this reason, I want to encourage you to continue inviting people. Please use every opportunity to help others know the Lord.
I always want to remind you that those who attend a Connect Group hear the gospel over and over and many (a very high percentage) come to know Christ.
Thank you for your faithfulness. May God bless your efforts for Him.