After eight years of ongoing conflict, tension continues to mount on the border between Ukraine and Russia. Imminent conflict between the two countries could spark a catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, causing millions to be displaced from their homes. Send Relief, a cooperative ministry between the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board, is working with local Baptist partners in Ukraine to care for displaced families in desperate need of help and hope.
You can help! There is extraordinary power in prayer.
This conflict could cause nearly 5 million people to be displaced and lead to a catastrophic humanitarian crisis among the Ukrainian people. The greatest needs for displaced families are food, water, shelter, clothing, sanitation and hygiene needs.
Send Relief is working with local Baptist partners in Ukraine to respond to the growing crisis by ministering to displaced families. We can connect you and your church with opportunities to pray and give to support this response!
Our cash donations will allow Send Relief to provide these gifts(or needs) to the Ukrainian people. As the conflict escalates, Send Relief partners are preparing to provide more food relief, continue meeting shelter needs and offer transportation to those impacted by this crisis.
Give today to bring help and healing to the hurting!
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Send Relief
PO Box 117246
Atlanta, GA 30368
Memo: Ukraine Crisis 2022