Waylon Bailey I want to let you know of some things we have coming up in the next two months. First, Saturday/Sunday -February 20th – 21st I will start my new Sermon Series: FOCUS – a Look at Jesus as the Son of God. This series will be leading us up to Easter. Second, Wednesday – February 24th at 6:45PM …
A Hands-On Approach to Disaster Relief
Welcome to 2021! In this new year of FBC Covington Missions, we’re expanding our ability to reach deeper into communities with the gospel. One crucial need is Disaster Relief — helping those who are facing hardships due to natural disasters such as hurricanes, tornadoes, or flooding. We encourage you to Get Trained and Get Connected so you can Get Involved. …
Dr. Waylon Bailey Today, I want to write to you about “the beauty of the body of Christ.“ I write this because of what is going on in my family. As you possibly read this, Martha is undergoing breast cancer surgery. To say that this is unexpected is a huge understatement. What we have seen during this time is …
Dr. Waylon Bailey Three things… First, Martha and I want to thank you for your outpouring of support and prayer. You have encouraged us greatly with your kindness toward us in so many ways. Martha’s surgery is scheduled for Friday, January 29. After a few days in the hospital, we will be home recuperating and hopefully making a very …
Lagniappe I often think and say, “Wednesday night is the best kept secret at First Baptist Church.” This is why I think that way: Wednesday nights provide powerful ways to grow in Christ and to apply Scripture to our lives. On Wednesday nights we have ministries and programs for the entire family. We work with preschoolers, children, youth, and adults. …
Dr. Waylon Bailey Heartfelt thanks and love for our FBCCov family. Martha and I want you to know how appreciative we are for your love and care for us for over 30 years at First Baptist Church. Our thankfulness for that love and encouragement has never been greater than right now. We are grateful for your prayers for …
Deacon Ordination
Each year in February/March the Deacon Leadership Team starts the process of selecting men for the next year. The selection format is that the deacons propose a slate of 15 men to the church for affirmation. The criteria for Deacons are men who love the Lord, support the church, and are consistently involved in ministry for the church. They are …
Waylon Bailey It’s finally here – the end of 2020. This has been a year of challenges, it has been a year of changes, it has been a trying year, and as one of the Grinch memes described it … STINK, STANK, STUNK … but it has also been a good year. A good year because God has brought us …
Dr. Waylon Bailey Jesus was born “in the fullness of time” (Galatians 4:4), but it certainly was not an ideal time – – at least not from history’s point of view. In fact, it may have been in the worst of times. The Jews were ruled by the all-powerful Romans and under the authority of the cruel – maybe …
Dr. Waylon Bailey You’re Invited . . . In spite of all that’s going on, I hope you are having a wonderful time of contemplating what God has done for us in Christ. I have two invitations for you. First, you are invited this weekend to walk through our new chapel. We’ve named it “The Chapel at First Baptist …