Dr. Waylon Bailey
Jesus told us to go into all the world making disciples and baptizing and teaching those disciples.
In the days ahead I hope to talk with you about making disciples and teaching them about the
commands of Christ.
Today, I want to talk with you about baptism.
Baptism is not to make us Christians but to show that we have followed after Christ. The word “baptize”
is a Greek word that means “to dip.”
This is what we say about baptism . . .
Baptism occurs following an individual’s commitment to Christ. Baptism is a person’s way of:
b. being obedient to God.
c. It is a public (outward) demonstration
d. of a personal (inward) commitment that has already been made to Christ.
This Sunday, September 6th, we have our outdoor RIVER baptism at the Bogue Falaya Park in downtown Covington. It is a very special time as we witness the baptism of about 30 new believers.
We hope you will join us as we meet together to celebrate their new life in Christ.
Bogue Falaya Park
213 Park Drive
Covington, LA
Parking is limited – so come early.