
Year End Giving

This is the time to consider where you make your year-end charitable gifts.

First, let me encourage you to make most of your giving for Christian causes. I know the desire to give to your Alma Mater or to a cherished local group, but also think about the need for Christian people to support the cause of Christ around the world.

So, as you make your gifts consider how you are using your money for the Kingdom of God.

Second, I want to give you some places I would recommend. These are not in order of importance but simply to give you some options to pray over. I certainly want to encourage you to pray about how much God would lead you to give – and where you would give – your gifts.

The suggestions are for extra money, not for your regular tithes and offerings. Your tithes and offerings should go to and through the local church.
Think of extra gifts to First Baptist Church. These might include the new capital campaign which will begin early in the new year, or a place where you see very effective ministry going on, such as youth, children, preschool, or any number of other ministries.
Give to First Baptist Church Kenner which sustained heavy damage during Hurricane Ida. This weekend they are having a Harvest Sunday to raise their deductible ($430,000) to repair their buildings. Martha and I are making a significant donation (for us) for this need.
Give an extra amount to the Lottie Moon Christmas offering for International missions. I believe all of us should contribute to this need.
Give to the mission work of FBC Covington. We work with groups in Guatemala, Columbia, Uganda, India, and numerous other places around the world. Your giving opens the door for the gospel in many areas of the world.
Give to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. This is our local seminary where most of our pastors have been prepared for Christian ministry. We currently have a number of students studying there, and you might consider helping those seminary students with their tuition.

As you can see, you can make a difference in a number of places both locally and around the world.

Let us use our blessings to bless others.

Waylon Bailey