By Waylon Bailey Paul wrote to the church at Philippi, “I thank my God every time I remember you.” One of the reasons he was thankful for the church was because of their “partnership“ in the gospel. Martha and I think of you as our partners in the gospel of Jesus Christ. We appreciate how you love and care for …
By Waylon Bailey Martha and I want to continue to thank you for your support, prayers, and encouragement during her surgeries and recovery. You may be aware that Martha had her second surgery Thursday, and we are deeply appreciative for your love and care. As we drove to the surgery Thursday morning, I had the persistent feeling that we had …
By Waylon Bailey Three things you need to know First, we welcome Carl Doescher to First Baptist Church as Minister to Junior High Students. We are thankful to have Carl, Megan (who grew up at FBC), and Paisley (two weeks old) serving at FBC. Carl’s serving with us as Junior High Minister opens up a whole new layer of …
By Waylon Bailey This weekend we celebrate with 49 graduating high school seniors and their families. This is certainly an exciting time for both the students and the families. These students have distinguished themselves in many ways through their school experience and we are excited to see what God will do with them – and through them – in …
By Waylon Bailey The Personnel Ministry Team of First Baptist Church, along with the FBC Pastors are happy to recommend that Carl Doescher be called to serve in a full-time capacity as Minister to JR High Students. In this capacity, Carl will serve alongside, and under, the direction of Chris Kroll, our Student Pastor, and Bill Boren, our Minister to …
By Waylon Bailey Welcome to FBC Kenner! We welcome First Baptist Church Kenner, LA, to the family of churches of FBC Covington. FBC Kenner is an established church on the south shore with a strategic location for making a difference in an entire city. We are thankful to be associated with them and are looking forward to working together in …
By Waylon Bailey Moving toward 101%! The past few weeks have been very encouraging concerning worship attendance and connect group participation. We are moving toward what we hope and pray will be 100% of our 2019 attendance and participation. Actually, we want to move beyond where we were. For that reason, we are looking for 101% as we get back …
By Waylon Bailey We have seen a steady stream of people returning to in-person worship over the past several weeks – and we are thankful for these faithful members who are now back. Our attendance for the week after Easter (Last weekend) was 95% of the attendance we had the week after Easter 2019. That is the highest percentage we …
By Waylon Bailey Last weekend’s Easter Worship was truly a joyful and precious time. We praised the God of Glory and thanked Him for giving His Son as our once-for-all sacrifice for sin. We also praised God for raising Jesus from the dead, proving the effectiveness of His sacrifice. Last weekend’s worship services also proved other things. First, it showed …