As we started to regather two weeks ago, we promised that we would make changes as the circumstances allowed. Since we have now seen the flattening of the curve and our entry into Phase Two of reopening, we are planning for changes in the coming weeks. This week you will see come reconfiguring of our seating arrangements to add space …
The Church and Late Adopters
By Dr. Waylon Bailey. Yesterday in my blog (, I explained the concept or early, middle, and late adopters. You will find that this paradigm is very helpful in understanding people, and society as a whole, but especially helpful to understand a church congregation. By the way, I would appreciate your subscribing to my blog (it’s free and easy to …
As We ReGather
By Dr. Waylon Bailey As we regather, we have much for which to be thankful. This would be a good time for us to remember those areas. First, I am thankful for the faithfulness of the church during this time. You have ministered to and cared for one another in difficult times. You have also cared for many individuals outside …
Our ReGathering
By Waylon Bailey Beginning Memorial Day weekend, May 23-24, we will begin re-gathering for worship at FBC Covington. Like you, I am extremely excited to meet together again with the family of God. Our church pastoral team has been preparing for weeks for this day. We are ready for you, and we are anxious to begin the process of bringing the …
The Day We ReGather
By Waylon Bailey. We are not yet ready to announce the date when we will re-gather as the church, but that date is getting closer all the time. Remember, the church is not re-opening; it is simply re-gathering. The church has not been closed. It has been open and working, and I simply cannot tell you how proud I am …
Follow FBC Covington
By Waylon Bailey. Starting this week you will receive a new communication from FBC Covington. It’s called (at least for the time being) Follow FBC Covington. It’s purpose is to keep you up to date with things you need to know. So, what things do you need to know? The kind of things where you say, “I hadn’t heard that.” …
Focusing on the Future
By Waylon Bailey. In times like these, focusing is a difficult task. It’s also difficult to think of anything other than wearing a mask, staying at home, and doing only what is required for the day. While this may be normal for the world, it is not worthy of the family of God. You and I have been called to …
Making the Most of the Parenthesis
By Waylon Bailey. How have I heard people describe this time? Well, just yesterday, “crazy,” “strange,” “unprecedented” (of course), and “surreal.” While this time is all of the above, it is also time to be bold and daring. It is time to make the most of this parenthesis. We may be in this parenthesis of pandemic for months. We could …
A New Way to Celebrate Easter
By Waylon Bailey. No one expected this–ever! Who would have thought that our church buildings would be empty for Easter and our families not joining together for Easter Sunday? But, of course, this is where we are. We must celebrate the resurrection in a slightly different way but with the same intensity as ever. Here are some things you can …
Lagniappe March 21st
The State of the Church: Where We Are at This Point in History By Dr. Waylon Bailey Two weeks ago, I had no idea where we would be today. Even one week ago seems like a time long ago which is now almost forgotten. Two weeks ago we were having record attendance in worship and talking about having 2000 people …