During the months of May and June we have several important events coming up that you need to know about: Sunday May 22, at 2:00PM – VBS Volunteer Training in the Worship Center. All volunteers are asked to attend. Wednesday May 25, at 6:45 PM – Congregational Meeting in Central Hall. This meeting is an informational meeting where we want …
TWO HELPFUL EVENTS TO HELP YOU GET TO KNOW FBC During the month of May we have two important events which will help you get to know First Baptist Church better. Sunday May 15, 5:00-7:00 PM – is our Discovery Class. This will be our last one until after school begins in August. Our Discovery Class is set up for …
Happy Mother’s Day! I want to welcome all of you to worship today. It is a special day when we get to honor our mothers and special women in our life, and when we welcome families to join with us. If you are a guest today we want to thank you for coming and encourage you to come back in …
WHY? Today ends our ANCHORED series and begins a new eight week sermon series entitled WHY? Many of you know that I like to answer the “Why” questions. Strangely, I don’t ask many “Why” questions of others, but I love answering why I believe, feel, and practice as I do. I also love talking about how we live in relationship …
Why I Am Encouraged I am greatly encouraged, and I want you to know why. Here are some things I am encouraged about as should you, but they are not the reason for my writing this today. I am encouraged by – – Our attendance. Since the first of March both our worship and Connect Groups attendance has exceeded the …
Welcome to Easter worship! I want to welcome you to First Baptist Church! As I often say, “Thank you for attending. We are glad you are here.” We recognize what a special day this is. While many of our regular attenders are visiting family out of town, many of you are guests worshiping with us on this special day. We …
Welcome to Palm Sunday services at First Baptist Church! We are thankful to have you worshiping with us today. This weekend is special also because it’s our Commitment Day for our ANCHORED Capital Campaign. We are having this campaign to set up the church for the future as we carry out several projects. By working together and doing our part, …