Five More Ways to Make Your Marriage Better

Last week Martha and I sat down and discussed many areas that will make marriage better–not just ours but anybody’s. While marriage is hard–it has to be because we are all flawed individuals–it is not impossible. There are a number of ways you and your spouse can improve your marriage. Here are three ways I wrote about recently to make …

Three Ways to Make Marriage Better

By: Waylon Bailey ~ Even people with good marriages want to have a better marriage. What can we do to make marriage better? First, be “all in” with your marriage and family. Not long ago I read about a coach for a rowing team. The advice he gave for his rowers was that they “be in the boat.” In other words, …

The Question

By: Waylon Bailey ~ In the same way Jesus changed history, He also changed the whole conversation of history. “Who is Jesus?” has become the question above all questions. C. S. Lewis famously showed that this question is before any other question. Is Jesus who He said He is? He cannot simply be a good man. Either He is the …

Worship that Pleases God

“The Lord is in his holy temple. Let all the earth keep silence before him”–Habakkuk 2:20. “When any of you men enter your office Monday morning at 9 o’clock, if you can’t walk into that office and say, ‘The Lord is in my office, let all the world be silent before him,’ then you are not worshiping the Lord on Sunday. …

Super Bowl Saver Malcolm Butler Receives Amazing Gift

Tom Brady is the Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl XLIX, and the New England Patriots are the world champions. Neither of those would have happened without little known and underappreciated Malcolm Butler. If you would like to read more about Malcolm Butler, click here: To show his appreciation for what Malcolm Butler did, Tom Brady gave the Red Chevy …

How Much Talent Do You Have to Have to Win A Super Bowl?

How much talent do you have to have to win a Super Bowl? Here are some surprising facts. None of the starters for the Patriots or the Seahawks were five star athletes in high school, and the stars of the show were not considered “elite” either in high school or in college. Take Tom Brady, the all-everything quarterback and Most …

That Was A Bad Play Call

Super Bowl XLIX ended on a bizarre play that robbed Seattle of certain victory and gave another title to the New England Patriots. The play went down like this. With under three minutes in the game, Tom Brady led the Patriots to a game winning touchdown, but, of course, the game wasn’t over. Russell Wilson almost did the same for …

Three Things Healthy Churches Emphasize

By: Waylon Bailey Over the last few years, churches and church leaders have learned that health is a key metric for churches. Find a healthy church and you will normally find a growing church with positive influence in its community. Healthy churches grow healthy followers of Christ, and they make a difference in the world. What is it that healthy …

I’m Tired of Cold Weather

By: Waylon Bailey ~ I’m not a big fan of cold weather. I’m ready for a break in the weather and a real return of some South Louisiana weather. The good news is that Easter with all its hope will be here before we know it. To get us ready for Easter, I will be preaching a new series from the …

The Person on the Inside

“Furthermore, we must never consider that our fight against sin is at an end. The heart is unsearchable, our evil desires are insatiable, and our reason is constantly in danger of being deceived. Well did Jesus say, ‘Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation’ (Matthew 26:41). And  Solomon warned us, ‘Above all else, guard your heart, …